I say this because:
"My shoulders broke out in small pimples when I took the 19-nor, whereas that has NEVER happened on AAS... "
Prohormones have more estrogenic and androgenic side-effects than they do anabolic effects mg for mg.
"I've seen plenty of guys use it and get good results."
Funny, that's not what they say on the guys board. I've know guys that have taken up to 1000 mg/d of prohormones, nothing but a little gyno. I think most people that use prohormones with the exception of women in higher doses are experiencing a true placebo effect.
"Sure I would love to use anavar after reading so much about it but I am in a position where I get drug tested and it's not worth the risk (but I would LOVE to try it otherwise!). "
You're not up on drug-testing. As DG said, you'll get popped for Deca while using nor-andro. In fact, some andro products contain enough cross-contamination to flag a positive for Deca. It takes at about 10 - 14 days to clear the ORAL nor-andro to pass a test, now if you use a transdermal and some gets into a fat store as Deca might, then you could stay positive for months.
and, just because nor-andro is legal don't make it natural or legal in any drug-tested sport.
I just don't feel it is worth the money.