I’m 25 years old and I have kind of neglected my teeth ever since I get kicked off my Parents Insurance when I turned 18
sometimes my teeth bleed when I brush them.
What are the best supplements that I can take to improve my teeth and gum health?
I stopped going to the dentist when I was 19 years old because I wasn't insured anymore.
The problem is I want to start dating again and women don't like tartar breath if you know what I mean
what are my options in terms of supplements that I can take to help with my teeth and gums.
I know sugar is bad for us
I know it is bad for our teeth and our bodies too
but how much is okay for us to eat per day you think without getting bigger issues?
What are some sweet options for those of us who have a sweet tooth? I’m a pretty big guy so I like my donuts and cake.