sometimes I have issues digesting food and I’m wondering what you can recommend for me
it usually happens when I’m eating out or when I go to lunch at work
can’t really put my finger on what’s bothering my stomach it seems to be a variety of things
is there a supplement that I can take to help...
I have a question whenever I eat a meal especially a moderate to high protein meal I start getting stomach issues
not sure what could be causing it but it’s making it hard to continue my nutrition and diet
do you have an idea of what I could do to help with my stomach issues because it really...
looking for some enzymes that I can take before a meal to help with digestion
do you have any suggestions for me that work and that are affordable that I can look into using going forward
I’m currently eating five meals a day but I find a couple of those meals being difficult to digest
So every time I drink soft drinks I get upset stomach
carbonated drinks tend to do it to me every time
the problem is I’m sort of addicted to diet soda
is there something I can kind of take in terms of supplementation or maybe some sort of drink so we myself off of drinking these kinds of things
I have been eating a lot more carbs lately and I am starting to blow up and get bloated
Also i am going to the bathroom a few times a day. however I have more energy and I am definitely stronger in the gym
is there any supplement I can take to help with the bloating and stomach discomfort though?
I've been reading about ways to flush water out of the body and people use diuretics for that. My uncle had to get on heart medication and that's what they gave him
doing some reading on it it seems like maybe I should do the same thing because I'm holding a lot of water in my face and in my...
What is the best product you recommend to help me tighten up my stomach
right now I have a 2 pack in the bottom parts of my abs are covered up with some fat
looking for a supplement that can help get that remaining fat off. I don't have much fat on my entire body but just centered around there
I started taking dextrose after my workouts on the advice of my personal trainer at the gym who said I need it to recover
since I've been doing and I've been retaining a lot of water in my face and in my stomach. I'm beginning to the second thing his advice. Can you give your opinion on if...
so I always start my day with a flat stomach but as the day goes my stomach starts to bloat up more and more
do you have any explanation why this started happening once I got into my 30’s, cause it never used to happen when I was younger.
I was making love to my new boyfriend and he grabbed my stomach and I felt really embarrassed. I'm not sure if he was making a point that he wanted to see my skin tightening up or what. Is there any steroids or whatever that i can take to help tighten up my skin?
I'm 22 years-old
Very skinny lean
155 lb
I started bulking up recently and eating 2000 calories more than I usually do. I'm eating a big meal from McDonald's right now but after I finish my stomach still feels empty. It's like the more food I eat the more I want to eat more. Can you explain why...
I cannot take any dairy products because they destroy my stomach. I'm always running to the bathroom and having diarrhea after having anything with milk. Someone told me at the supplement store to try whey isolate because it's supposed to be okay to digest for those who are lactose intolerant...
is there a fat loss product that you can apply directly to your fat storages to make it burn away. like a cream or a spray, or is this just wishful thinking. I have some stubborn fat on my body especially around my stomach area and sides. I don't have any fat on the rest of my body so this is...
Hey female here 130 pounds and 5’6”. I’ve got several anavar cycles under my belt where I was doing upwards of 20mg a day with good results and no manlike symptoms. This time I decided to cut back on the anavar oxandrolone dosages down to 10mg a day and add in proviron at 12.5mg a day along...