So my boy is having a bachelor party in vegas this year....
my question job is to plan this right? what am i entitled to pay for, for a bachelor party....
YouTube - Blame it on the GEar
blame it on the test, bulletproof vest
ima pimp getting girls from the east to the west
blame it on the g-g-g-g-g-g gear, livers so shot and im still drinkin beer
Aye, u guys are all punks
wearing gay shoes while i sport dunks
u say u strong
but she told me that...
PuddleMonkey's debut album "Flossin' With Your Moms Pubes" is set to be released April 13, 2010 in the US. Release date worldwide is scheduled for April 27. A summer tour is in the works, concert dates will be on the website at the end of the month. Track list for the album is as follows...
Who else is having problems with the board being slow? omg it is annoying. I can run to the kitchen and come back and it's still thinking. It's not my pc because every other site is fast.
Post up any of your EF Conspiracy theories here.
You know, that its run by the mob. Or that its infiltrated by law enforcement. That George Spellwin doesn't really exist. That Stilletto is APP is c00per.
Lots of different ones have popped up over the years.