What would you say about using s4/andarine and the benefits vs. the vision issues?
I’m into CrossFit and high intensity training
I’m five foot 11 … 248 pounds
22% body fat.
Trying to get into better shape as I would say I’m on the bottom half of the people that I train with
Its well documented...
I’m searching online and there is a lot of opinions on sarms.
That isn’t all. I also noticed there’s many different types of sarms and the way you’re supposed to take them
I see liquids which I guess you drink, then there are gels and capsules, and then there are even injectables which are...
I’m looking to drop some weight I’m currently 238 pounds I would like to drop about 18 to 25 pounds. With like to get under 220 pounds.
I’m five foot nine and I’m about 28% body fat
what are the best sarms that I can use to cut down?
Not looking to use gw501516, don’t like what I’ve read about...
22 yrs old. 5’7’’ 190 pounds and 20% body fat.
I’m looking to increase my volume and go extremely high volume over the next three weeks to shock my body.
I will be doing 30 sets per muscle group and doing atleast 12-15 reps per set. I expect to need around 90+ minutes to complete a workout like...
I’ve recently come off a 12 week cycle of sarms and it was all fake. I know this cause a buddy of mine got a lot of weird side effects so he had the products tested and they ended up being prohormones.
Anyway I’m only 22 years old and I’m very worried about damage that I could have done to my...
I’m going to start increasing my repetitions and the amount of sets that I’m doing and I would like to use sarms to help me get there.
My plan is 10mgs ostarine mk2866 for 10 weeks, then do rad140 for 8 more weeks.
Gonna do gw501516 as well the whole time for 18 weeks straight.
Rad and gw I want...
what are the best sarms that work for skinny people?
I’m currently five foot ten but I only weigh 145 pounds. 24 years old
that spread to put on some weight trust me I’ve tried I’ve even increased my calories to over 3,500 a day and I’ve increased my protein to over 300g a day
I’m looking hard...
I just wanted to confirm to everybody that the rumors are true and that s4/andarine does in fact cause vision side effects. This is really no good and I’m gonna stop using it as I’m a truck driver and I can’t be having these types of Mischief going on.
I’m four weeks into the cycle with sarms...
I did a bulking steroid cycle and I put on about 15 or 20 pounds but a lot of it was fat and water.
would like to cut back down after bulking
which sarms would you recommend for me if I had to choose between s23, yk11, or rad140.
Maybe pick 2 I can run for 12 weeks.
Currently six foot two and...
so 3 years ago I was in an accident where they said I wouldn’t make it. Well I made it and I’ve been able to make a good recovery. I’m currently good to go, my doctor said I can start weight training but I have to be smart about it. I want to use sarms and build my strength and muscle back. I’m...
hello everybody I’m five foot 8, , 177 pounds and I’m 28 years old
I’m looking to do a stack with yk11 and s4 andarine. The yk I want to use is 10mgs a day and I want to use s4 50mgs a day.
Do you think I should increase the dose to 20 milligrams on the YK and 75 milligrams on the S4 halfway...
I’m a generic male who stands at 5’8 and 208 pounds. Got a little belly going, I had a growth taken out of my side a year ago and there was an infection. Since then it’s been hard to keep my weight off because I haven’t been able to do cardio.
This is why I would like to use sarms to help get me...
I’ve been on lgd for the past 6 weeks and seeing some good results at 25mgs a day.
Interested in adding more sarms to pushing this to 15 weeks, so I got about 7-8 weeks counting delivery time.
What else should I add here you think? I would like to push my size and strength higher.
I’m currently...
I’m looking to get skinnier using sarms.
I’m 5’11’’ and 207 pounds, 6 pack and lean gains would be nice. I’m holding some extra fat around my body especially in my thighs and my stomach
I’ve heard good things on sr9009, nutrobal mk677 and gw501516 when it comes to fat loss.
What would you say...
read a few guys from enhanced who were doing 100mgs a day gw501516 and getting some ridiculous cutting effects. I saw that tony huge said he lost like 5% body fat in 1 month doing it that way.
What would be the side effects of doing something like this is it true if you run too much of it that...
it just got a gig for a modeling job over here in LA. Was kind of surprised because the other dudes that were interviewing for it looked way better than me. My weakness compared to them is I don’t have their muscle mass but I am very lean. I’m roughly six or seven percent body fat and I’m 22...
I know pot is horrible for me but I am sort of addicted lol. I think I’ll stop smoking later on but right now I want to focus on building some lean muscle mass.
Would pot effect my gains on sarms or would I be wasting my time if I didn’t use it? I’m currently 5’11’’ and 210 pounds and 20% body...