I’ve read how essential it is that have minerals in your system
it helps with testosterone levels and it helps with your brain health
what would you recommend that I do going forward to boost the amount of minerals that I’m getting?
I want to build more muscle and have a better libido
Tired of ordering multivitamins that don’t work
we’d like to start taking something that does work that can help feed my body especially before bed
can you recommend something that I can take before bed to give my body the proper minerals and vitamins I didn’t need to help recover my body
I’m looking for some minerals and vitamins that I can take that are pure that will keep my body strong and vibrant
I’m in my early 20s and I would like to get started when it comes to doing this
don’t want to wait till I get older and I start having issues my main objective is to keep my bones...
Life extension sells a product called trace minerals which has 90 caps per bottle
I was Thinking of taking the stuff and maybe it would help boost my testosterone levels and help me gain more muscle in the process. Is it worth the money?
I’m in my 60’s and researching some anti aging supplements
This stuff is $200 a bottle
Its got biotin, and some minerals. Its expensive but supposed to help anti aging
Can you name me a few vitamins and a few minerals that are mandatory for a bodybuilder or someone who is in weight training to use
I see so many for sale but not sure which one I can trust that is the best quality
What do you think about using these nootropic supplements that are coming out. They have amino acids minerals, vitamins, adaptogens
one I was looking at is called Dynamic brain by Stonehenge health
they only cost about 30 bucks each. You think it's worth it or no
my friend was saying that I could just take a couple doses of greens powder a day and that would be enough to cover me for all my vitamins and minerals and I wouldn't have to waste my time eating fruits and vegetables. Do you agree with us or disagree and why or why not
I want to recover faster, i am having a tough time since i upped my workout program. I am now doing 2-3 miles per day of jogging and doing about 15-20 sets in the weight room. Would multi vitamins help with this since i am feeding my body more vitamins and minerals? Or is this just not true?