I'm going to be doing a testosterone stack at a high dosage.
My plan is 500mgs X2 per week so 4CC’s total
Testosterone enanthate with testosterone propionate mixing them
I’m also doing masteron enanthate with it 500mgs a week x2
35 years old, 216 lb
what is better for this 12 weeks or 16 weeks
We love napsgear in my household. My brother and i always order from them
This time we ordered a couple vials of trenbolone and a few vials of masteron
we decided to stack them together to see what would happen and how are physiques would improve. After 5 weeks we look amazing, everyone is...
32 years old, 182 pounds and 13% body fat
I want to recomp and get more confidence in and out of the gym
My plan is Doing shorter Esther's this way I can change things around
masteron propionate at 100 mg every other day
testosterone propionate 50 mg every other day
do you think I'll...
Right now I am 5’6’’ and only 128 pounds. I'm extremely lean but I have lean muscle mass if that makes sense. I don't look like I weigh as little as I do I just have a bone structure that small
if I was to run something like masteron and trenbolone would i shred up further? I got tested at the...
I have felt great on my current cycle doing testosterone enanthate and masteron so I was shocked when I got my blood pressure taken at the drugstore and I was 180/120.
I'm starting to get worried especially with all the bodybuilders who have been dropping dead
what am I supposed to do on...
What are the best steroids out there where I can add good clean muscle mass gainz. a friend of mine suggested the below stack for me. Is he right?
1000mgs primobolan
1000mgs masteron enanthate
He said to mix them in the same syringe and inject twice a week.
I’m 5’9’’
183 pounds and 17% body...
I'm back in the dating game after finally getting divorced after 6 years of an awful marriage
I'm not even going to date until I get into top shape because I would like to have confidence when I go out.
My first objective is gonna be diet and training of course, but I would like to get on...
Just a quick question on napsgear products
I see they sell different types of masteron. One says masteron prop and one is masteron enanthate.
Does it matter which one I pick in terms of how often I have to inject or are they pretty much the same thing
I'm 104 kg
6 ft 2 in
I have a competition later this spring
I wanted to run a cycle and blast some steroids ahead of it to get me some more size before I cut down
my plan is to do trenbolone and masteron.
Last go around i ran 500mg of each. My results were okay but sides were...
I was wondering if geneza pharma gave us ester choice when picking out steroids
like if I wanted to get testosterone, do they have all the available esters to choose from or do they just sell 1 or 2 of them. Same for masteron and trenbolone. Are there different options if I decide to run a...
I'm looking for the best steroid cycle that ensures that i keep most of my gains
I'm looking for slow and steady and not even worried about how much I put on
I'm currently 185 lb and 9.5% body fat
the steroids that I'm interested in using because I think they can help me keep most of my...
I had a weird question and I've been seeking an answer for on many different forums, i spent the past couple hours on bodybuilding forums and reddit but can’t find the answer so i am asking here
do females have to worry about lowering SHBG on a steroid cycle like men do? my boyfriend...
I'm going to be blasting some serious steroids and wanted your thoughts on if this was too aggressive
I’m 27 years old
210 pounds
I want to do 1000 mg a week of trenbolone acetate
600mg masteron enanthate
1000mgs testosterone propionate
20mgs a day aromasin
my goals are...
How effective are steroids for cutting down? I'm looking to tighten up my physique
I'm currently around 13% body fat
I have my eye on some cutter steroids
Testosterone propionate
Masteron enanthate
Winstrol depot
Trenbolone acetate
if I were to run all four of these at low dosage...
I'm going to be doing a blast and cruise cycle with the help of napsgear which is my go to source that never let me down
I’m cruising at 150mg test a week
Want to blast with 700mg a week testosterone along with 1000mg masteron enanthate.
I’m 5’10’’
183 pounds
12% body fat
would this...
I'm going to be running a Deca durabolin cycle but before I do I want to make sure I have everything on hand that I'm going to need on this cycle
I was thinking about adding in some masteron to it. what are the benefits of doing it and which brand do you recommend I get from napsgear ?
hey is there no such thing as real underground masteron propionate? I read that it was only made in pharma grade form and all underground masteron is only enanthate
that brings me to geneza pharma GP brand masteron. I see they sell Mast100 prop. Is this the real deal?
Check out this huge cycle and I'm going to put together for this winter
I’ve got trenboloen acetate 700mg a week (100mg a day)
400mg a week masteron propionate
I’m also gonna throw in an oral which is where I need your help deciding which one to add
I was kind of...
I am looking for real masteron from napsgear
I used masteron from another place and it was an obvious fake. I got gyno from it and no hardening at all.
It is very stressful buying fake steroids and getting ripped off. Please advise on which brand napsgear I can trust this time
32 years old
188 pounds
body fat is 12%
what is the best stack to harden up the muscles so I get the most ripped physique?
I’m using masteron 500mg a week and using winstrol 50mg and not seeing much yet after 4 weeks. Is this normal?