What do you think about using masteron and primo together to stack
My goal is fat loss and lean gains
I’m in a 700 cal deficit and not seeing enough fat loss so far
I’m 5’8’’ 166 pounds and 14% body fat
I would like to cut down to under 10%
Or do you think i should stack in proviron and...
Hey I had a question about coloring of the gear
I have some from a source and they're both supposedly using MCT oil in all the products
The trenbolone acetate is darker then what i am expecting, and the masteron E is clear with 2 vials and darker with 2 other vials.
I don't understand how this...
currently on week 9 of a 15 week cycle from domestic supply
doing a mix of testosterone and masteron and doing close to 600mgs of each per week
it's a good sweet spot for me and I'm also eating in a deficit
my weight is slowly coming down but the more important part is that my muscles are...
36 years old
endurance athlete turned bodybuilder
5 ft 10 in and 188 lb
I'm looking to get more into bodybuilding and increase my weight training along the way
I'm thinking of using around 4 to 600 mg a week of equipoise
which steroid would work best with it if I had to choose between...
what is the shortest injectable cycle you can do if I had to choose between 6 weeks and 8 weeks?
my plan is to stack trenbolone acetate, masteron propionate and testosterone propionate
I wanted to use 50mgs of each per day. That would come out to 350mgs total per week
I'm 28 years old, I played...
How do you think steroid use changes as you get into your 40’s?
My kids are now old enough where they don’t need supervision all the time. it frees up some more time that I can spend at the gym without getting interrupted
besides that how does your body start changing? I'm approaching 40 years...
I'm currently around 15% body fat and I've worked really hard to cut down. 2 years ago believe it or not I was closer to 30% body fat and really obese
I really want to get even leaner and maybe even get under 10% that would be an amazing goal because I've always been fat my whole life
my full...
Never did more than 1000mgs a week of gear
But this time i came into some inheritance and want to run more
My goals are getting swole
I’m 5’10’’ 28 years old and 180 pounds
My cycle will look like this:
6iu’s hgh per day
1200mgs a week testosterone enanthate
1000mgs a week masteron enanthate...
I have a list of steroid blends and you tell me what you think about them and which you would pick if you were me
My goals are large muscle gains and fat loss
I’m 5’9’’ 189 pounds and 15% body fat. 33 years old
Andromix: Testosterone propionate, masteron propionate, trenbolone acetate
Excited to try a larger cycle this time
5’9’’ 175 and 38 years old
My plan is:
Masteron propionate 50mgs EOD
Trenbolone acetate 50mgs EOD
Testosterone prop 50mgs ED
anything you would change here? up
I hope to compete late this year
I took about a year-and-a-half off due to covid and other personal issues
I got back into the gym about 4 months ago and things have been going very well
I'm currently 36 years old and I weigh approximately 170 lb and I am 5 ft 8 in. my body fat is around 13%...
anyone try stacking both masteron and winstrol together?
Im’ 18% body fat. 105Kg and 6’1’’
I want to cut down
I am gonna eat in a deficit 1000 calories
also cut back on carbs and fats. While also upping my protein
I’m doing testosterone propionate 100mgs EOD, along with some anavar 50mgs a day
Interested in seeing what masteron could do here
If i do the test P for 8 weeks and then add in var the last 5 weeks could i also add in the Masteron? And how much would be the dose?
6’1’’ 156 pounds and 24 years old
I've spent the better part of the past five years bulking up using steroids but now I want to run a cutter
I’ve got several steroids in mind
Or anavar.
Should i combine them with testosterone?
34 years old, 5’9’’ 174 pounds
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 167 pounds with 10% body fat . I want to bulk on cycle then cut. Doing 600mgs of testosterone and then will cut.
If you had to choose 1 steroid to finish a cycle with would you pick masteron or winstrol?
I want to look good for my vacation to Jamaica so i can attract lots of hot Jamaican women
I'm 6 ft tall and I weigh 170 lb
35 years old and my body fat is around 11%
I have some steroids i want to run
Help me pick 2 to use. My vacation is in 8 weeks
Here is my next steroid cycle
Its gonna be trenbolone 250mgs a week
Masteron propionate 50mgs a day
Winstrol 25mgs a day
My question is should i double up the dosages or keep them as is?
Want to harden up and lose some excess fat
I’m 42 years old, 5’11’’ 232 pounds and 15% body fat
I'm looking to try to injectables at this time
Primobolan and masteron enanthate
12 week cycle
I’m on trt so will keep that dose and cruise after
5’11’’ 240 pounds and 15% body fat, 44 years old
it is time for me to do a recomp cycle for the first time
I started out very skinny and I bulked up a lot over the past few years. Now i am 16% body fat and 205 pounds 5’10’’
would like to get my body fat lower. I’m still in my late 20’s and don’t want to be overweight into my 30’s...