I was wondering if you thought I was ready for lgd4033
I’m currently 22 years old
134 pounds
I have been training for 6 weeks
My friend said it was a good sarm to try
do you think I'm ready to try it or should I wait a little longer before getting on. And how long do you think a good...
I know it's really early the panic but I just wanted to update you on my sarms cycle
I’m 5’6’’ and 142 pounds and 24 years old
I am only up about 6 pounds so far after 8 weeks on
I’m using lgd4033 and rad140. Doing 5mgs of each
when will I start making real gains?
What do you guys think about increasing sarms dosing when you're halfway through the cycle?
I’m only up 8 pounds so i wanted to push things more
I’m 183 pounds and my goal is 200 pounds, i’m 12% body fat and 6 foot tall, 24 years old
I’m doing lgd4033 10mgs a day and YK11 10mgs a day. Should i...
I see a lot of people on reddit who like the lgd4033 + rad140 stack
They usually run 10-15mgs a day and have good results
I’m 195 pounds and 5’5’’ so i am a bit overweight for my height
do you think I should stack in something to help with cutting as well or should I just focus on these...
I have been using lgd4033 and I'm starting to develop bitch tits
It makes me feel like i got misled cause you all say that sarms don’t cause side effects
I’m 23 years old and i already need a bra so thank you
I got my staff from tony huge sarms company
I'm going to be trying research chemicals sarm's on my rat
My rat is big, he is 212 pounds. 26 years old
He needs to trim up to get more action :)
What is a good dose of lgd4033 and gw cardarine to use
also do you think that 4 weeks is enough or should I increase it to 6 weeks
If I was to compare lgd 4033 and rad 140 which one would you think was Stronger?
I'm 5 ft 7 in and I weigh 162 lb.
my goal is to gain about 10 lb of lean muscle mass and also lose a couple pounds of fat at the same time. that would be most ideal
I'm currently lifting 4 times a week and I've...
I have been using sarms for 2 weeks and I'm starting to get really aggressive and impatient with people. I was at a restaurant the other day and the girl forgot to bring me my fajitas and I snapped on her and then snapped on my girlfriend afterwards. My girlfriend ran out of the restaurant...
I am in the middle of my sarms stack using lgd4033 and sr9009
I’m doing 20mgs of LGD and 30mgs a day of the SR total
I have to go in and get surgery done to remove a benign growth, i will be under and they said i cannot work out for about a week after until its healed up.
can I still...
Okay so I've tried using some for 4 weeks.
I’m using gw cardarine and lgd4033
Doing 40mg of each
this stuff seems like it's working and I want to keep things going.. Is there a source that can ship to me really fast because I'm going to run out of the stuff in the next couple days. And how...
I'm in between going to europe and canada. I have sick family that i am trying to see as much as i can plus i do work abroad
for this reason I'm going to be using sarms for the next year until things get back to normal
my question is finding a source that will ship to multiple countries like...
I'm looking to bulk using sarms
I’m 6’1’’
158 pounds
11% body fat
I don't mind putting on a little body fat but I want to add some size to my frame because I'm too skinny
I had yk11, rad140, and lgd4033 on my list to take
Are there better sarms than this for bulking. How about...
What do you think about taking sarms post-workout instead of taking it beforehand
would it make a difference in my recovery to do it that way?
I have a bottle of lgd4033 and cardarine gw on hand
I was thinking of running 1 dropper worth 30 minutes after my workouts.
I've been using sarms for 5 days and I'm starting to get some really bad hives on my body
I’m using RAD140 and LGD4033. Using 5mg of each
I’m a female and also noticing some weird things happening when i pee, like a yellow blobby substance. I’m concerned what this is
I'm 33 years old
6 ft 1 inch and I weigh around 200 lb
I'm going to be running my next sarms cycle. the first time I ran them I didn't really know what I was running and I don't think I was really using the real thing. This time i have RAD140, LGD4033 and GW cardarine on hand
going to run all...
I got a few bottles of sarm's. I've got ostarine MK2866, nutrobal mk677 and i got lgd4033
I was thinking of jacking up the dosages of these to get maximum results.
do you think doing 100 mg of both MK’s and then doing 50mgs of the LGD would be beneficial or do you think it would be harmful...
I have very pale skin so anyting that messes with my blood pressure or stress levels will make my face turn red pretty quickly
like if I run steroids that's what happened
I'm currently doing a s4/andarine and lgd4033 stack and after 2 weeks it's been happening to me. I was hoping that this...
I just want to use RAD140 and LGD4033
don’t want to use anything else
I’m 25
156 pounds
I want to clean bulk
I am upping my calories by 1000 per day already, don’t want to put on fat though
what dosages would you use of both? 30Mg of each good or less okay?
if I'm a taller guy does this mean that I have to use More sarms in my cycle?
I’m 6’2’’ and i weight 174 pounds
I’m 25 years old
What would a cycle with gw cardarine and lgd4033 be like for me? Would i need to run double or triple the dosage has to get the same results as a shorter...
I read that both LGD4033 and RAD140 are very similar in nature
does this mean that if I stack them both I will get double the results?
I was looking at using 20mgs of each
I’m 33 years old and 170 pounds, want to build lean size