Homemade Oatmeal Carrot Protein Bars
I make these protein bars all the time! Almost everyday I look forward to eating one for a pre workout meal. I make an entire month's supply at one time.
My 6 Week Dieselbolan+Epi-Strong Cycle / PP's Testosterone Recovery Stack Journal
So I'm going to do my best to give yall the scoop on NeedTo's Dieselbolan/Epistrong cycle he put together for me. This cycle will last me 6 weeks + PCT which is exactly how long I have until I go home for my...
First I would like to say, Needto has outstanding customer service and support. Everything I have purchased from him has arrived within 2-3 days, and the quality of the product is top notch.
I think, unfortunately for me, Katanadrol is too strong. I feel like I am growing tits. They are...
I have ordered these and want to buy all the other products I need before starting. My question would be is Forged Pct and Primordial performance TRS enough of a PCT for running either of these by themselves or should I have anything else for PCT. :confused:
When you go to any part of the store you will see the live customer support Icon. Click it and get a live person (me or angel) pretty much all day...
Hey fellers,
Just postin up my log here. I started Needtomusclemuscle.com 's shredder stack which is beastdrol, katanadrol at 3 caps (ea) ed. I also have the forged liver support and some lipoflame.
My beginning stats are 6'2", 245 at 20-22%bf and 26 years old. I usually weigh myself on the...
Just wanted to thank SouthernLord for directing me to some helpful sites and pointing me in the right direction. I'll be having surgery om my gyno in a few weeks but after meeting with the doctor I really should drop some weight first.
And thanks Needtogetaas for helping me out with the...
Nothing has sold out yet and we still have every product.
Well except the advanced super stack that is gone... But everything else we still have in stock..
The ??? every one keeps asking is do we have it left. Yes damn it. If you see it in the store then we still have it. If I do not have a...
I'll be sure to post a report on how good they are when they arrive. Will also post on how I made them.. I ordered two bags.. Hopefully they'll be as great as everyone claims!!!!