What is the science-based truth on when you're supposed to train like what part of the day. Is there an advantage to training in the morning for example right when you wake up from a night's rest or is it better to wait till later in the day once you've built up a lot of glycogen in your system
I'm looking to cut down and I am wondering if using dextrose post-workout to replenish my muscle glycogen would be bad in that it would make my body store more fat
I am currently 22% body fat or higher so I don't want to take that chance. If so what do you recommend after a workout in terms...
This might be a silly question but I would really appreciate your thoughts! I've been wondering to myself for awhile now, cardio first or cardio after lifting weights? Does it make a difference? Is there a 'better way' to do it... or is it all just personal preference. And if so, what is your...