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fitness challenge

  1. S

    How often you do workout? Do you prefer to do workout with a company or by urself?

    I've talked to my friends about whether they like a company when they go, and they all have different thoughts about that, and their answers are interesting, I am curious what is your preference
  2. S

    Beginner in need of advice please!!!

    Hey i'm 22, 5'11, 175lb with a 18.2% bf. I'm interested in doing an 8-10 week cycle because I have a bootcamp training for around that period of time coming up and steroids aren't an issue. Does anyone know where I should start? What kind of PCT should I use? My body tends to be sensitive to...
  3. George Spellwin

    Congratulate Fitness Challenge Winner Pete Larson and Join our Next Challenge Now!

    <p align="center"><strong>Congratulations to the Fitness Challenge Winner Peter Larson!<br> And read all about our Next Fitness Challenge that You Can Enter Now! </strong><br> <br> <img src=""...
  4. George Spellwin

    Congratulate Fitness Challenge Winner Pete Larson and Join our Next Challenge Now!

    <p align="center"><strong>Congratulations to the Fitness Challenge Winner Peter Larson!<br> And read all about our Next Fitness Challenge that You Can Enter Now! </strong><br> <br> <img src=""...
  5. George Spellwin

    Congratulate Fitness Challenge Winner Pete Larson and Join our Next Challenge Now!

    <p align="center"><strong>Congratulations to the Fitness Challenge Winner Peter Larson!<br> And read all about our Next Fitness Challenge that You Can Enter Now! </strong><br> <br> <img src=""...
  6. George Spellwin

    Vote for the Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition Winner

    Members, Please vote for the winner of the George Spellwin's Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition! The first place prize is $3500 and the second place prize is $2000. And here are the Finalist Cody Laurent <a href=""...
  7. K

    Best option for a runner, help!

    Hi, I am currently working out mon-sat mon,wed,fri i go running about 5 miles at a time the other 3 days i am doing circuits and a lot of body weight exercises, like push up sits ups chin ups and all that stuff, i am looking to cut my running from 5 miles to 3 but really step it up a notch and...
  8. George Spellwin

    The Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition Finalists - with new pics

    By the time you are reading this, the two finalists in the first ever George Spellwin's <a href="" target="_blank">Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition</a> should be on their way home from Miami Beach, finished...
  9. George Spellwin

    Help Congratulate the 3rd Place Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition Winner

    <p>Today it gives me great pleasure to announce the third place winner of the first ever George Spellwin's <a href="" target="_blank">Fitness Challenge Bodybuilding Competition</a>. </p> <p>The third place winner of...
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