I’m looking to do something kind of mild when it comes to steroid use, oral steroids don’t appeal to me so I want to do injectables only.
What do you guys think about doing 200 mg a week of equipoise for 20 weeks and thats it?
My main goals are just CrossFit and getting some lean muscle mass and...
I put together a good steroid stack but then I decided that I wasn’t quite ready for it so I’m going to shelf that idea and go with sarms. I’m 22 years old and I have been playing sports my whole life and would like to gain more athleticism
Basically right now I’m running about an 8 minute mile...
So I’ve been reading a lot of things about military and steroid use.
Seems like dudes get busted or they get ratted on and then it could be an issue. But sarms seems like nobody cares.
Anyway I’m gonna go into boot camp. My weakness is cardio and endurance. I need to get better at that.
I’m 45 years old and I like to do a lot of endurance running
I recently moved to North Carolina and pretty much all we have to do is climb mountains and go jogging when it comes to the outdoors. Very beautiful and I’m really excited but the thin air makes endurance really tough.
With sarms would...
I would like to take my endurance to the next level and burn more fat
I’m looking to stack gw501516 and sr9009 together, 20mgs of each. This will be an 8 week cycle and I want to see what it’s capable of
I’m currently 275 lbs and I recently changed up my diet and got rid of all the junk food
I’m trying to improve my gym grind.
do any of you have any advice about energy and endurance while you’re training and what can you do to mitigate the side effects of a steroid cycle while you’re trying to train hard?
I find a very difficult to do cardio while on my current cycle of trenbolone...
From head to toe I have a beat-up body
I’m looking to use tb-500 to get some improvements and feel better :)
I’m gonna combine it with easing off my training and giving my body a little bit of a break
looking to use 2mgs atleast 2x per week. Do you recommend I run it more often then that or...
seeking the best endurance stack possible
I recently got into endurance running and I’m going to run my first 5k in the next 10 weeks. Plan on competing in different ones over the course of the summer.
Currently running a 5k in about 25 minutes would like to get that time down closer to 20...
I’m looking to get my endurance up with equipoise
I’m curious how you would run it in this particular stack with 200 milligrams of testosterone
stats are six foot two and 185 pounds and I like to run about three or four miles every evening after work
trying to figure out a good way to use it for...
28 years old and I am around 170 pounds and 5 foot 8 inches
did my first cycle of test and dbol and been on it for about 5 weeks
no AI on cycle
using 500 mg of testosterone and 30 milligrams of Dianabol per day
my endurance has been absolutely smoked
also I’m getting some horrible pumps in my...
37 years old
207 lb
5 ft 11 in
live in Colorado
doing a lot of Endurance Sports this time of year in the cold
I'm looking for a sarm stack that can not only give me endurance but also keep me warm
Looking at something for 12 weeks if possible
I wanted to get some feedback on my planned sarms cycle
cardarine gw501516
ostarine mk2866
goal: fat loss, endurance and lean gains
btw, I’m 24 years old, 5’5’’ and 145 if that matters
Looking to hear some experiences on your positives and negatives when it comes to equipoise
I'm looking to build some bulk muscle mass increase and also help increase my endurance more
Looking at doing EQ at 300-800mgs area. Which dosage would be best for my goals?
I’m 6’1’’ 175 pounds and...
I want to spend the next couple months and proving my conditioning and endurance
I used to be a pretty good runner years ago but haven't done it in a while
I'm looking to improve where I am. I’m 167 pounds and 5’9’’
Which sarms work best for endurance?
Saw this pre workout by rich piana
seems good, it has him on the front with a big gun and he looks
shredded using it
its got some good endurance/NO blends and creatine too
should I try this?
I am not using sarms to build muscle, rather for endurance
I am an endurance athlete
I’m 6’1’’ 177 pounds and 7% body fat
Which sarms are best for me besides cardarine GW
Is there going to be a difference between which sarms you recommend for a endurance person or someone who is a sprinter?
I am playing around with both
I can do a 5 second 40 yard dash
And my long distance stats are 22 minute 5K and 1:45 half marathon
I’m 6’1’’ and 175 pounds lean
I’m 25 years old
Very active play a lot of sports
Very lean under 10% body fat and 6’1’’
I know that gw cardarine is great for 2 things that i have read:
Endurance and fat loss
My issue is for someone in my situation who just cares about endurance with GW cardarine cause me to lose too much...
I'm 5 ft 8 in tall and I weigh around 212 lb
body fat is somewhere in the 20s
I'm a bigger guy but I also have muscle
I'm looking for something that I can take to help with muscle mass gains without losing my endurance
my friend said that S4 andarine is way better than lgd 4033 and his...