Just got done with my first deca stack using napsgear
I used deca, sustanon and tbol together
It was an interesting stack and I ran it 12 weeks then came off. I did a 5-week PCT and then I ran a test booster for another 5 weeks. I kept most of my games ended up with 11 lb net
also I would say...
What is going to be the best way to run deca duarbolin without having deca dick and problems in pct?
I was recommended on another Forum to do 500 mg of testosterone and then get the decade dose around 250 to 300 mg. They also said i needed aromasin and caber with it
do you think this is the best...
I’m 29 years old
167 pounds and around 8% body fat
I am on my first ever cycle and I'm using testosterone enanthate 500mgs a week with deca durabolin 400mgs a week
Also kickstarted things with some winstrol 25mgs a day first 4 weeks
So far I'm having incredible results. Training my balls...
Hello, noob here looking for advice.
I bought the stuff in the table below, planning to do a 12 week cycle:
Susta: week 1-12
Deca: week 1-10
winstrol: week 7-12
I bought also PEG MGF, but I still don't know whether I can stack it with rest, and if yes where and how should I introduce it to my...
I’m itching to try a test + deca stack for increased appetite and great recovery from the gym
My current weight training sessions are 1 hour and I am going four times a week
Curious what would you stack with the DECA in terms of testosterone. should I go with a short Ester or long Esther and how...
I'm in no means a professional bodybuilder or anything
I’m 29 years old
175 pounds and 5.8. My body fat is 15%
previously I did testosterone and deca and it was a good stack. Put on about 10 pounds net
Now i would like to try trenbolone.
My idea was:
Tren ace 100mgs EOD
Testosterone prop 50mgs...
Never imagine I would get so big on one cycle
did 12 weeks of deca durabolin and testosterone enanthate
300mgs of the deca and 400mgs of the test
I worked out every chance i got, even on weekends. Ate like a madman, hit a few buffets along the way. Overall had the best results ever on any cycle...
I’m currently in my late 20’s
I'm very tall 6'5 and I weigh 180 lb. body fat is around 10%
. would like to cut down closer to 7 or 8% that would be cool. also putting on some muscle mass would be nice on my frame as well.
I’m looking to use winstrol 10mgs 3x per day
Deca durabolin 300mgs a week...
I'm 5 weeks into my current cycle of sustanon and deca durabolin
Doing 400mgs of the deca and 500mgs of sustanon. Pretty standard cycle. I’m not using an AI, i was told to wait until I had estrogen side effects before starting them.
I've gained a lot of weight I would say no joke over 10 lb in...
44 years old
6 ft 1 in
206 lb
13% body fat
I was wondering about what you recommend for bulking if I had to choose between deca durabolin and anadrol. I’m thinking of using 50mgs a day of anadrol and 500mgs a week deca durabolin
I know deca has to be ran atleast 12 weeks to see results right...
is it better to bulk up with equipoise or deca durabolin?
pretty simple question
I will tell you a bit about me I am currently 29 years old and I have been training since I was about 15. I'm currently 5'7 and I weigh 167 lb. I can bench about 235 to 245 lb
I would like to get stronger but more...
Hello everyone I'm 52 years old and I would like to run my next steroid cycle it has been about 4 years since I have done steroids but before that I would do them off and on for 15 years
my full stats are 5'11 and I weigh around 195 lb
my goals are strength and bulking
I would like to stack deca...
I’m 35 years old and i think it is time to change my physique
I'm 6'3 and 162 lb
I've been pretty skinny all my life and consider myself a hard Gainer
I wanted to do deca durabolin. some of the guys at the gym say that they bulk up a lot on it
should I do 500 mg or should I up the dose...
I'm going to go for strength and size on this cycle this time
5 ft 10 in 182 lb and 16% body fat
Deca durabolin 800 mg a week
super drol first 3 weeks only 20mgs a day
Test cyp or E 400mgs a week
Anyone run this type of cycle and did you have good strength changes
Interested in doing a lean bulker stacking
currently around 200 pounds and 6’ tall
my body fat hovers around 13% maybe a bit more
would deca durabolin with some test be a good lean bulker? Or should I try something else like anavar?
Just want some help please with my geneza cycle
First off am i okay getting their deca durabolin? Is it good quality?
I’m 29 years old and using it for the first time. 180 pounds and want to gain 10 pounds of mass
How much would you use?
I have an idea for a layout to get stronger. Let me know what you think
I’m 5’6’’ 166 pounds and right now i am benching around 205 pounds
I want to get stronger. I am 26 years old
My plan is:
Deca durabolin 500mgs a week
Sustanon 500mgs a week
Dianabol or anadrol
I am currently on TRT
I am doing 200mgs a week of testosterone for my dose
That puts me around 1200ng/dl which i feel good at
I want to add in a blast
Deca durabolin is one i have my eye on cause its good for joints
What is the best dosage for it?
I’m 29 years old, 5’10’’ 194 pounds
I feel like I am losing control on steroids and just very aggressive
I’m 29 years old
188 pounds
using testosterone, deca durabolin and dianabol on this stack
my results are very good but I don’t like my attitude. How can I fix this?