I am going to enter the dark side and start using steroids going forward
I plan on doing at least 5 or 6 Cycles over the next few years and I’m gonna take this really seriously
Can you give me a supplement or a supplement stack that I should always be implementing on a steroid cycle going forward?
I’ve done some mild Cycles before in my side effects weren’t bad at all I didn’t notice anything really hectic with my blood work
but this time I’m going to be doing a much bigger cycle and I would like some advice on best supplements that can help with side effects
I’m in my 50s now so I don’t...
I’m 12% body fat 178 pounds and five foot seven and 38 years old
I’m not a good reactor to testosterone at all even if I use a low dose I start to get itchy nipples and gynecomastia symptoms.
I’ve read some threads of others in the similar situation what are some non testosterone Stacks that you...
I’m coming off a cycle of testosterone and dbol. Put on a lot of water weight during the cycle and lost a lot of my vascularity and I’m holding a lot of water especially in my stomach which is making me look fluffy.
Any tips for the best ways I can lose water weight between Cycles?
Evolutionary.org Underground 31 - Oral Only Bulking Cycles for Winter with Geneza
I’m a bit frustrated with the different variations of cycles that are recommended with ostarine
I’ve seen anywhere from eight weeks up to 12 weeks and anywhere from 10 mg up to 50 milligrams
and don’t get me started on PCT. Seems like some people say you need it and some people say you don’t
I’m looking to take something in between cycles that help maintain and keep my muscle mass that I put on while I was on cycle
whey protein powder upsets my stomach too much so I can’t take that
would you recommend I take something like creatine or is it kind of a waste of money?
Everybody talks about what supplements you’re supposed to take off of cycle or between Cycles
I’m more worried about what you’re supposed to take on cycle. Is there a product that you recommend that I should start taking every day while I’m on my eight week steroid cycle?
Evolutionary.org 536 - Best and worst cycles we have ever ran
IronOverload.io Hardcore 35 - Saving up or cheap ($400 cycles for example) budget cycles?
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #8 - Get Cut get Abs New Years Resolution Cycles - Euro Pharmacies
I was wondering what are my best options to use in between Cycles to maintain my strength and my size I don't want to lose anyting
I also don't want to run anything that is suppressive because I want to recover fully can you recommend some supplements for me
I’ve been doing napsgear for the past 4 years, done 3 cycles in that span
each time had great results
this last order we had a problem with payment. I sent in the $$$ and it would not go through. They worked with me on email and figured out the problem, had great patience with a stupid person...
I'm 59 years old and I'm very active
I weigh 182 lbs and I'm 6 ft 1 in
I have not done steroids in a while but when i was younger i did a few cycles
looking for something that's safe for someone my age. I'm currently working out 2 to 3 times a week
I have Run 3 steroid cycles before in each time I've had really bad PIP post injection pain
I think that I'm very prone to it but I also think that if I found a source that had more quality gear things would improve for me
How is the PIP from napsgear?
this is weird but I've been experienced this as a female. When I am off cycle I am irregular with my cycle every month. But when I'm on steroids My Cycles are on time. this started happening when I stopped using birth control a year ago. Do you think it has something to do with the hormones of...
There is a misconception that you can do cycles without Testosterone. Testosterone is a mans natural primary hormone and when injected" your body knows exactly what to do with it. When you weigh out the risk vs reward compared to any other steroid Testosterone is going to be the winner hands...
Hey guys, usually i will do some research for myself before posting a new thread but i've been doing so much of that lately i just need a straight forward opinion on this matter without doing my head in haha.
I see on other forums and threads people saying "yeah its fine, you can run igf or...
I am 31 years old and starting my first cycle soon. Here's the gear I have:
1 vial of 10ml of 100mg Trenbolone Acetate
1 vial of 10ml of 100mg Testosterone Propionate.
I plan on doing 100mg of each EOD injected at the same time since I read mixing helps with the pain and less pinning...