I’m hoping you can give me some advice when it comes to fixing my cholesterol levels which seemed to be off
right now my total cholesterol levels are in the 250 to 300 range
also my good cholesterol is down in my bad cholesterol is up
what are some supplements that I can start taking to help...
I’ve worked really hard to get my cholesterol numbers back where they should be
but recently I tested and my total testosterone levels are very high
bad cholesterol is high and my good cholesterol is low
it seems to keep wanting to get off again especially after I run a steroid cycle
what am I...
Got some blood work done from the cardiologists and my cholesterol and triglycerides aren’t looking so good.
Also my HDL good cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol are a little bit off as well
things have been Haywire ever since I ran my steroid cycle and I think I ran in a little too long at 16...
recently been going through a lot of stress and also finished a 14 week cycle
I just got my blood work done and my cholesterol levels total are nearing 300
I need to get it back down is there a supplement that you recommend for me that would work to help with cholesterol levels
trying to post up my bloodwork and it keeps giving me an error so I will just write out what it shows.
I’m on 200mgs a week TRT (self trt originally from clinic but now on my own same dose) and 1mg split dose adex per week total
total test >1500ng/dl
LH .1
FSH .2
estrogen 35
bilirubin in range...
This is ridiculous I’ve been using steroids now for a year and before that I never had cholesterol issues at all
I recently went to my cardiologist and I got tested and I have a lot of things off especially with my cholesterol.
I told him I used steroids and he said that I should consider in the...
so my cholesterol levels are off in my doctor said if they don’t get better then I have to go on medication
can you suggest to me a good supplement that I can start taking to help with my cholesterol levels
I’m really looking forward to getting these numbers back in line
So a few things trenbolone that i was concerned about
First prolactin issues
Second is its extremely suppresive
And third i heard it causes major problems with cholesterol and blood pressure
what are the most mandatory supplements you would say that you need to be using with it and when should I...
I'm looking for a supplement that I can take along with my medication from my doctor that can help improve my heart health naturally and won't interfere with the medication that he's giving me
I currently have cholesterol levels over 200 in high blood pressure
my cholesterol levels are not good. My good cholesterol is low and my bad cholesterol is high. Total testosterone is around 225
it's been like this ever since I ran my last cycle
I'm looking for a supplement that can help get this number back in line. Does such a thing exist
what do you think about the information out there that says that eggs cause cholesterol.
There is a lot of conflicting information and I'm not sure who to believe
what is your opinion on this and can you give me some science and facts to prove or disprove either case
Coming off a steroid cycle my cholesterol levels were crazy high. I'm doing daily cardio and I am making sure I avoid steroids for the time being. My bad cholesterol is really high and my good cholesterol is down. What are more effective ways to improve cholesterol levels, can you suggest a...
my cholesterol levels are trending higher ever since I started using steroids. I have a number in the low 200s. Ever since I've been testing my levels it's never been that high so I know it's from the steroids. Is there a supplement that I can start using now that can help drop my levels before...
hello I just came from the doctor with my blood work results and my cholesterol levels are at 215 total which are above normal they should be below 200 according to him. He suggested I get on cholesterol medication but I want to see if there is a supplement that can help drop it. he said no...
While the "live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse" population is certainly represented here at Elitefitness, I think those wanting to prolong the joys of life are the majority. These are the people more likely to be interested in what I share here.
We are bombarded with information...
Hi - I know anavar is harsh on ones lipid profiles and moderate on liver. I know there are specific products out there designed to combat this side effect.
That being said, will it suffice to take an ordinary cholesterol lowering product? Eg: CholesterolEase etc. as well as red rice yeast and...