heard that equipoise is great for boosting appetite.
I definitely have an issue with appetite and I get full and satiated very fast
I’m 5’10” 210 lbs and I hit a plateau we’d like to push to 240 lbs
Wondering when it comes to bulking how much of it would be the max dose? It can you run it at...
I’m looking for several different food options that you’d recommend for someone trying to bulk up?
Not looking to dirty bulk but I wanted to put something on that’s good quality food
I’ve tried the chicken brown rice and broccoli thing and it really doesn’t help me very much
I think I need to...
stats are : 6’1’’ and 170 pounds. I want to bulk up. I’m 23 years old.
Been training for 9-10 months and stuck at a plateau. I workout 6x a week and do 20+ sets per session but no improvements.
How would I run LGD4033 + s4/andarine together?
Should I do 100mgs of each per day or 50mgs is better?
greetings all hope everyone had a good holiday season I’m 31 years old I’m 180 cm tall and I’m around 88 kg and my body fats around 12%.
I’m looking to plan a spring bulking cycle. The 3 steroids I had in mind:
NPP 400mgs a week
test E 300mgs a week
then adding either masteron or primo to it.
26 years old, 2nd cycle. 5’10’’
A buddy of mine just came off an equipoise and testosterone cycle and he said that he had some good effects.
I noticed he got a lot stronger not sure how much weight he gained but he definitely looks noticeably bigger.
I’d like to run a similar cycle but I’m much...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #113-Options for moderate bulking but not bloating from Ultima
205 lbs and 6’3”
what do you think about using test E and EQ on my next cycle for bulking?
I’m hoping you can give me some advice
my test E dose will be 250mgs a week. And Equipoise I was thinking anywhere from 300 up to 700 mg a week.
What is the prime dose that you recommend for 12 weeks if I...
I was looking to do a geneza pharma bulking stack and came up with a mix of equipoise 500mgs and testosterone 750mgs. 12 weeks.
Had really good gains on this stack. Put up some big numbers on my max lifts. Also gained around 12 pounds.
Kept most of it too. Overall will recommend this cycle in...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #100 - Best bulking steroid options from Para Pharma
Evolutionary.org Underground 40 - What feeling big feels like? products to bulk using Euro Pharma
I’ve been on domestic supply dbol, test and deca for the past 14 weeks. Now going into pct.
Gains have been incredible with domestic supply.
I’m up about 10 lbs and also my strength has gone up on all my lifts. Very satisfied with my changes to my physique.
Also customer service has been...
Just finished using domestic Supply cycle was the first time I’ve used them but not the first time I’ve used steroids.
When it comes to using a cycle like this it’s very important to use quality gear and that’s why I choose this Source based on their reviews.
I got on a sustanon and deca cycle...
I’m ready for my next bulking phase. Spent the past 2 years focusing in on my workouts and not enough on my diet and steroids to help me bulk
my main agenda is to do test prop and dbol and use a couple bulking steroids.
Gonna be using it for 12 weeks.
My dosing strategy is up in the air...
Not seeing the results even though I’ve been training consistent for 7 months now
I’m looking to do more bulking. Rad140 is the one I am looking strongly to use
can you give me some tips when it comes to using it?
I want to use 10mgs a day and run some gw501516 with it.
My stats are 22 years...
this is the first time that I have used steroids from an online Source I’ve always used the Buddy at my gym but recently I have noticed the gear has been pretty underwhelming. Decided to try domestic supply this time.
overall very pleased with my domestic Supply bulking stack!
Did deca 400mgs...
A friend of mine put on about 20 pounds recently and I asked him what he was on and he said primo.
I thought that was weird it because all of my research shows that Primo is a good cutter but not good for bulking
it got me interested in wanting to try it to bulk up as well
have any of you had...
I’m a female who wants to cut down while also bulking.
My ex boyfriend is a meathead and he got me into steroids and one of the ones that he recently recommended was equipoise he said that a lot of women are using it now.
He wasn’t sure the best dosage but he says that he likes to use it at 500...
Evolutionary.org Underground 31 - Oral Only Bulking Cycles for Winter with Geneza