I used steroids years ago but its been a while so I don’t remember what or how much I ran.
Interested in doing anavar this time.
Want to use 25mgs a day I think. I’m 56 years old, 5’1’’ and 127lbs. Want to get into better shape and better conditioning overall. Do you think 10 weeks is good...
I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’8” 190 lbs in about 18% body fat
I’m looking to take steroids to help me keep muscle mass while in a deep deficit.
I plan on going from 3000 calories a day to 1800 calories a day. My steroid plan is this:
test cyp 200mgs a week
anavar 50mgs a day
tbol 20mgs a day
I’m 30 years old. The first 2 steroid cycles I did were not that great.
I did test only 300mgs a week, then I did test + anavar 50mgs a day.
Neither one yielded much aside from a little strength increase.
This time I want to push with 2 injectables. My thought is deca + testosterone. 400Mgs deca...
I’m considered a PAWG. I’m 5’5’’ 175 pounds. Want to get leaner and more healthy. Looking for ideas for PED’s
the list of options I found online:
Which of those would be smart to order and which source should I order them from I need help .
anavar Has always intrigued me but it’s been a steroid that I’ve avoided using but I want to definitely change that.
Would like to run it for atleast 10 weeks, maybe 12 weeks.
My dosing I was thinking of doing 5 weeks at 25mgs a day then 5 more weeks at 50mgs a day then last 2 weeks seeing how...
a 26 years old 5’8” 180 lbs and about 15% body fat
I’m currently using testosterone and equipoise and I’m 7 weeks into the cycle. I’ve got about 5 weeks left because I was gonna originally go 12 weeks but in extending the cycle I was thinking of adding some orals to finish things off. Would like...
what do you think about doing a stack of anavar and sarms as a female?
I’m currently 5’2” 128 lbs and I’m looking to lean out a little bit
I have some excess loose skin around my stomach after having my baby
also have some issues going when it comes to sarms and how they will work to help me...
I’m excited to try clenbuterol and anavar on my next stack.
My goal is to cut down I’m currently 135 lbs and 5’7” and I’m 40 years old
I think I want to go with 60mcg of the clen per day, should I ramp up the dose further?
And then with anavar would it be safe to stack 5mgs with it for 8 weeks?
I was wondering what you guys thought about using geneza pharma orals because I just tried them and I give them 2 thumbs up for sure.
The dbol and anavar go together perfectly and I was getting amazing results on both. Ran 20mgs each for 4 weeks. Every workout got better and better in the pumps...
I’m a female, 5’8’’ 180 pounds and 12% body fat
need some advice when it comes to boosting my energy with PED’s.
Right now I am always tired and don’t feel like doing much. It would really be cool to hop on some steroids to give me more energy so I would feel motivated to go train
should I try...
I wanted to drop my recent domestic Supply cycle review
first off these guys are the real deal and they have really easy shipping options and also their website is very simple to use
I had my order place within minutes and I was able to send them my funds which was a simple process
they also...
Here I’ve spent the past 12 years being overweight recently I lost about 80 lbs and I see that a lot of guys on here have had similar experiences.
The weight loss has been fantastic but I’ve also shed a lot of strength in the process and I’m still not where I want to be I would say I’m about 16...
Wondering what is the best option when it comes to using anavar along with test + tbol?
My initial blueprint was test 200mgs a week as my base.
Then adding 30mgs of anavar and tbol each for 6 weeks. But I would keep the testosterone for 10 weeks total.
I’m currently 6 ft tall 216 lbs and about...
I’m 30 years old and I am 5’10” 213 lbs and around 14% body fat
I’m looking to have some extraordinary gains on my next cycle.
2 steroids I’ve had my eye on for a while are tren and anavar.
My plan is 300mgs of tren per week and 25mgs of anavar per day.
This will be a 12 week cycle and I’m...
went ahead and ordered geneza pharma.
Got their test C250, 2 vials of that. Also got a couple anavar.
Ran the testosterone 250mgs a week and did the var at 50mgs a day for 10 weeks
A+ results very happy with it.
1 of the things I really enjoyed was the quality of the gains that I made throughout...
I’m looking to use equipoise and I’m looking to stack an oral to start and to finish the cycle.
With that my goals are bulking
my thinking is doing it like this:
1-4 dbol 20mgs a day
1-12 EQ 500mgs a week
8-12 Anavar 50mgs a day
I’m currently 44 years old I’ve been using steroids for the past 5...
very solid cycle I just came off of which was 12 weeks
I did test prop, masteron prop, and some anavar.
My dosing was 200/200 and then did anavar 25mgs a day.
Very pleased with my results!
This is an excellent source and they ship very fast and they have excellent products from A to Z I will...
I’m going to try anavar for 10 weeks at 10mgs a day.
What do you think about that dosage and how much results can I expect?
I’m currently 130 pounds and 5’3’’
looking to put on some good strength and get some bigger muscle.
my next cycle will be anavar and test cyp
plan is keeping it simple stupid KISS
going to go with 25mgs of anavar per day
test cyp at 250mgs 2x a week
this will be 12 weeks.
I’m 45 years old
5’11’’ and 230 pounds
seeking some lean gains.
Would you increase anavar after 2-3 weeks or keep the dose...
I’m looking to do the most economical female cycle on Earth.
1 of the options I want to do is talk about the money aspect.
I know things like anavar and primo are very recommended for females but they are expensive. Also sarms stacks I was looking at are also quite pricey, in some ways more...