results of friends 2 week cycle
nov 26th 02
hypoxic tent/no vitamins
total test 290
RBC 4.71
HGB 14.8
HCT 43.4
dec 19th/02
no tent/ON! / jus came back from 4 days in denver/4000'ft
total test 303
RBC 5.14
HGB 16.1
HCT 47.9
*SHBG 39.
*estradiol 13 use of proviron helped
sept 13th no...
#'s were just as a example, not true #'s
those werent actual bloodwork results.
I guess i would need to see at what level of estradiol is acceptable.
test 600 & estradiol 16 are real bloodlab #'s the other wasn't, jus saying, i presume a estradiol of 300 would not be acceptable.
My friend...
currently taking : 6am then train at 7:30, try an nap at 1pm
gingko 300mg
cdpcholine 250mg
vinpocetine 10mg
hupA 50mcg
dmae 25mg
piracetam 400mg
what ya think i should drop or lower?
the ratio of estradiol to test should not coincide!????
Since estradiol did not rise to an extent greater then testosterone rose then it should be of no alarm - P.arnold
true, but still be alrmed if your estradiol rose the same % or even a little less than test. If my base levels are
shot ya some karma
4 months later & 2 bumps, but its all good. Im trying your 6-oxo in two weeks along with blood work. how long does it take to kick in an whats its half life or how long does it take to clear the system???????
tests are:
total test
free test
Former junior national sues USA Cycling
Gerrik Latta, a former member of the U.S. junior national cycling team, has filed a lawsuit claiming that he was tricked into using banned, performance-enhancing substances by his coach and trainer. The lawsuit was filed Monday in federal court in Denver...
missing a simple biological reality!
.....evryone's system is diffrent!
.....some get drunk on 1 shot of tequila others it takes 4 shots!
.....some can take 1 ephedrine an feel 'freaked out" some take 3 get a total confident charge off it an feel great.
...why not start small an see how your...
thanx fhg
started trainin hardcore beg of nov (seasons diffrent from Cycling)
looking for some energy but with out the anxiety/jitters!?
DMAE + memory formula by biochem minimal stack
dmae, nivalin,piracetam, memory formula super stack
friends diggin test gel- no debillitating...
looking to start multiple graphs, charts(vitamins,workout regimen, blood work) then put the graphs on top of one another then see what shows?
get what i mean?
as weeks go by the graph plotting will show increase in training volume coincide with vitamin program & i can how my test levels...
just a theory
just seems strange, this guy took off a year or something he says due to overtraining!? + a low wbc count? I was thinking he got anemia from EPO use or F'd up his immune system from it. I did a search on pubmed but couldnt find anything on healthy men,epo,wbc counts. So maybe...
what you guy think ofthis statement?
Re: adex decreases shbg
I have seen blood tests from guys who were wondering why their total test was still depressed several months after their cycle. They were invariably taking adex. Your shbg levels determine recovery. Your total test will never return...