Ill stick with it the rest of my life maybee compete ect in the future I LOVE IT! i love it in the gym just love it! cant say enough about it! Fell the best ive ever felt in my life! I havent kept tract of the inches though.
Im 5/10 220 lbs
Everything is pretty much the same. Quadsweep Put together my diet. Do you think i should keep it the same for awhile Quad? I am also taking Clen. Im on max ot 3 day split this week is my week off. I have kept pretty much up on my diet except a cheat meal or 2 on the weekend now...
How safe do you guys think taking only 12.5 mcg a day would be? on a Rating 1 being the most Unsafe and 10 Being the safest. From what bigandy69 has posted seems to work well let me know everyone's Input :)
Do you guys think i should add some ALA into my diet? if so how much would you guys recomend by looking at my diet? I also hear it gets rid of acne on your back too? is that true? if so i could use that as well
A well bred pitbull is bred to fight yes OTHER DOGS not people. Thats why the handlers can handle them in action and not fear geting bit. any other dog would bite your hand off. Also any good breeder would kill a human agressive dog if they had one. Good dogs are where u get it. if you get one...