U really ripped it up in my thread. I believe strongly in genetics and neuroscience, howeer, the scientific/technoliical model we use for knowledge based on symbolic mathematical logic of cause and effect only work on the physical level or when orders of experience are on the same level.
So much was left out, as U pointed out an integral approach is needed to understand a question that involves many different 'levels' .
However, I think we are coming to a point where dualistic type knowledge that is based on our current system that reduces perception, interpretation to 'subjective' and therefore meaningless, and promotes truth, which is really not really true, but more based on fundamental agreement or consensus of perception, anyway by this logic since meaning is no longer considered a matter that this 'knolwedge' can investigate or publicly discuss, what is meaningless, comes to the fore front by default.
My point is that yes cause and effect are true on the physical, to a certain degree cognitive level, however finding ways to moderate oxytocin and vasopressin may in the short term promote intimacy on the surface level, but in my opinion, while I love neuroscience and am pwned by technology, this form of understanding of knowledge as content instead of capacity... or how to live one' life in harmony is a more encompassing form of knowledge that in accord with 'technological' knowledge would promote a decrease in the increasing isolation that happens during our times.
Sorry for the Rant TAT, I was just impressed with the dynamic of U showing such a beautiful blend of open minded thinking in combination with your analytical nature. Great Stuff.