i made a thread an hour or so ago that seems ot have been locked. rather than epople doeble guessing stuff, i thought id say why i did it, and what stuff meant.
when i said that stuff about the powers that be and mentioned BRR, it was to establish a way for those guys to talk to me in a public way ie for BRR to say "we disagreed, but youre welcome back here so long as we dotn get into arguments anymore" - which is the logical way for civilised peopel to interact.
when i said that this place was no longer home, it was just taht - ive visited EF first for years, and dont do tha anymore. because i was, uh...banned. lol
when i said hi to everyone, it was cos there are lots of peeps here that i like. there are some minds here that i miss interacting with.
if you guys would like to unlock my hello pop in thread, that would be good. im not going to start fights. just want to say hi to some peeps that ive missed
also stiletto acted like a total fatty locking my htread. just sayin
also the place looks different. kinda commercial. when did that happen?
oh and in regards to stillettoes comment that nothing goood will come of that thread - i disagree. what we have is a guy coming back to say hello, not start fights, and not ba vindictive/nasty about previous disagreements. i have no desire to make EF look bad. or its moderators. in a lot of ways, itsa good thing to happen, cos it demonstrates to members that even though there was a big fight, people can still come back and say hi without resurrecting that old drama, and just be...people. saying hi to other people. which is what im doing.
you can maybe merge this thread with the other if you like. might be good. dunno. your site. your choice.