chris302001 Sep 25, 2009 sophie is pissed babe. She told me she is a human being that eats off a table, not some animal that eats off the floor. She wants her table back.
sophie is pissed babe. She told me she is a human being that eats off a table, not some animal that eats off the floor. She wants her table back.
I I iggy Sep 24, 2009 headed to wisconson smurf. make sure you keep chris in line for the ten days i'm gone. don't let him turn ghey with puddles.
headed to wisconson smurf. make sure you keep chris in line for the ten days i'm gone. don't let him turn ghey with puddles.
VinceJeepMan Sep 21, 2009 vacation was awesome! Hangin out on a private beach, and having a team of folks to serve me was great. Now back to work! How are things with you?
vacation was awesome! Hangin out on a private beach, and having a team of folks to serve me was great. Now back to work! How are things with you?