Thanks for the reply. I've done a bunch of research outside this thread so I'm clear on most stuff.
I would like to just pin once again day and do sub because it's easy. But if I go IM injection do I use a regular pin or slin pins? It seems using a full size one will be hard to measure...
Sorry, did some more research. Looks like a 1mg vial should last 3 30 day cycles?
Still curious about if I can use it alone and if I need pct. I assume no since people use it for pct and it shouldn't shut me down.
As far as supplies go, how many 1mg vials would be needed to run a 4 week cycle? Do you use slin pins?
I read a how to about reconstituting the peptides to get proper doses but it's still confusing. And can you run it aline and with no pct
I have been doing some research on peptides and considering trying a cycle.
1. Can you run IGF1 alone or is it best to stack it?
2. Do you normally inject sub or IM?
3. Can someone point me to a example of a cycle for a first timer
4. Do you need pct?
Also curious if anyone has actually used it. I read about it a few years back and seemed like b.s. But if pro athletes are failing drug tests it must be good, right?
Is it legit or all marketing b.s.?
I want to try something that is not going to cause my test levels to crash afterwards. I am in a relationship and don't want my labido to crash especially and considering trying to have a kid in the next few months so I don't want to do anything to...
If that will help squat heavier weights than how come every powerlifter does 5-6 rep max work outs and lots of heavy singles? I guess all the guys that are squatting the biggest numbers in the world must have it all wrong
You can't change someone you are with to make them into who you want. Move on and find someone who is what you want. If she does change shes going to leave you anyways because shell be feeling so good about herself that shell think she can do better than you even if she cant. But I have seen...