I I iggy Jan 8, 2011 Wtf man. You guys are texting me now? Seriously? I'm never logging on ef again. Fuck this shit
I I iggy Jan 8, 2011 wtf. now you put the pic up? please man, don't kick a fellow bro when he's down. i just don't like how you and mitch always make fun of me, and then when i strike back you both always extort the shit out of me.
wtf. now you put the pic up? please man, don't kick a fellow bro when he's down. i just don't like how you and mitch always make fun of me, and then when i strike back you both always extort the shit out of me.
Strongbow Jan 8, 2011 Fuck you mutha fucker eat shit and die you fat bitch. O hope all you cock suxers fucking die. Also hit me with some of that k and keep bombing me tyia
Fuck you mutha fucker eat shit and die you fat bitch. O hope all you cock suxers fucking die. Also hit me with some of that k and keep bombing me tyia