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  • as perfect as i could. protein was chicken breast, egg white, turkey breast, whey isolate. carb: yam , steel cut oat. Fat avacado, olive oil, almonds.
    Amazing transformation, you put a lot of effort in, and I salute you for that WTG!!!!!!!
    WOW Bro ... Looking REAL DAMN GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Congratulations with the progress made ... it is one HELLUVA transformation!
    1-10 test-e 250mg twice a week
    1-10 eq 200mg twice a week
    1-4 katanadrol 150mg every day
    4-10 provirone 25mg twice a day )
    1-10 T-3 dose of 12.5mcg every day move up by 12.5mcg every 3 days till a max of 75mcg and taper back down week 9
    2-4 clen 20mcg max dose of 120mcg
    6-9 same as above

    10-14 Clomid 25mg every day
    10-14 Unleashed and post cycle 1 cap 3 times a day of each.
    10-16 need2slin 1 cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals ( T-3 PCT)
    10-14 forged steal full dose every day.
    10-14 need2gaurd

    gear was gca
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