Hi, My name is JJ and I am new to your site. I'm a 35year old male that is 5'8" and 205lbs. I just found your site by chance and I really like what I see . I was actually looking to learn more about working out and mabe get some advice. I am currently in tough situation and just don't know what to do. I am in the middle of a firefighter boot camp and I badly need some help to finish it. I have always been in pretty good shape and have done really good in the boot camp till now but, I need to change the way im working out in order to get through an up comming Death Camp and I really don't know how to train for it. I have to train for endurance, for streght and I also would like to lose some weight. At the same time I still have to perform a crazy workout that consist of 10 cycles of 20 pushups, 20, squats,20 squat thrust,20 jumping jacks, 20 leg lifts and 20 crunches with out stopping or rest. We then run for about 5 miles and run up and down about 5 towers{ 7 story bldg stairs } in between. All that with no rest inbetween. We then perform all of our regular fire training. Can you please give me some direction as to how I should train and mabe something I can take to help me get through this. I keep cramping up on my legs and it's just getting to painfull. I only have 2 more months to go in the acadamy till graduation.
Thank you in advace. I hope you can help in some way.
35 year old man competing with 18yr olds for a job.
Thank you in advace. I hope you can help in some way.
35 year old man competing with 18yr olds for a job.