E E ExtraMile Apr 27, 2010 Lol hey bro. I can't really talk about my age on here but other than that I'm 5'7 203 @~18% bf what about you?
Lol hey bro. I can't really talk about my age on here but other than that I'm 5'7 203 @~18% bf what about you?
Scotsman Jan 16, 2010 Awesome! I love it when peole ask what I'm listening to at the gym and can respond "Tattered Flags and Bloody Banners", or "For the Stab Wounds in our Backs"
Awesome! I love it when peole ask what I'm listening to at the gym and can respond "Tattered Flags and Bloody Banners", or "For the Stab Wounds in our Backs"