has anyone experienced pain and inflammation in their quadriceps tendon (just above knee)a day or two after pinning the Vastus lateralis (outer quad) I'm six weeks in my first cycle of Test e and have been pinning quads each once a week and a few weeks ago I experienced the pain on the left side...
Sorry but i but i have a pct question and before anyone says anything i have searched. It's just that everyone has so many different opions on pct. What I'm unclear of is at what dosages do you have to start using hcg? I'm about to finish a 10 week cycle of 350ml of test and tren... is it HCG...
I was using 100 mgs of test per week(as replacement therapy) for 5 months. after cessation,i wated 1 week and started hcg and clomid. hcg was stopped after 1 week and clomid was stopped after 3 weeks.this was over 3 monts ago and i am still in the duldrums. should my pct been a bit more...
I am ordering my test cyp for my first cycle tonight. I am running 500mg/wk for 8 wks should i use arimidex, or is test not going to be high enough? If so how many mg/day would i need.
I would think a combo of Test Base, Test prop and Test Enan would work great if it contained the correct mg's of each ester to match injection frequency. Test Base is considered to have a 1 day half-life, prop a 3 day half-life and enan a 5 day half-life.