I personally know someone, an older gent that has been on and is on over 250mg a week minimum, never comes off. He gets his bloods done all the time and according to Dr., clean bill of health. It depends on the person running.
250mg EW should be a decent cruise.
Don't expect your natural test levels to be the same after coming off a long blast and cruise. It is great if you just plan on staying on for the entirety of your life.
Start aromasin same day as torem at dose of 12.5mg ED or 25mg EOD.
Get a bottle of GNRH as well for PCT to inject instantly post cycle. Is a big aid in recover.
Are you taking any anabolics? And if not, perhaps you should be re tested. And if the test is correct and your not on anabolics, my goodness those levels are beyond insane.
Attempt letro first. Have raloxifene on hand.
Letro 2.5mg per day from start, if over 2 to 3 weeks gyno has not shrunk, introduce raolixifene with the letro, lower the letro in half while taking 60mg ralox ED.
I never put on water with creatine, minor strength increase and endurance, that all. Try ancient strength, probably the best creatine concoction I have tried.
Protein isolate is best to take just upon wake up, with carbs to refill muscle with glycogen.
Get a casein protein before bed.
NTBM has a great iso protein and bag of carbs. Get some protein bars for a day time snack and you be growin son!