I give you props going with single compound first run. 180 seems a little light to me but would be nice to see a pic to judge better your base. I think a strong base is always the best foundation for aas... Many can say they've "mastered" something but it's a work in progress I believe and...
Bro really enjoyed the video. Liked how you covered different training scenario goals. I think many athletes will find this video helpful and informative in their many quests. Me myself I totally agree with you, the idea of utilizing carbs post workout or even in conjunction with overall diets...
So many options bro. There are definitely some ph that blow most others away, but really at 21 5-6 pounds sounds like an attainable goal natural! Your test is prob at its peak, and the way you can fluctuate weight I bet with some tweaking to your diet and training and in a year you would be a...
Yea I agree with the boys. I believe they are helping guid you in the right direction. If not a lot of size is your goal and if your sticking to your game plan why not run a shorter length single compound maybe with an oral... Even better sarms bro. That might even be better. And have you tried...
Everyone has their points but I'm going to go with Steve on this. You know the mental aspect in everything we do makes all the difference. Side effects from abusing drugs/ aas will affect your mental well being. I think getting bloods and then steer in a healthy direction for your body and...
Hey man not trying to judge you ok. you have your free agency, whether right or wrong. What i will suggest is whether in an online forum or elsewhere have some self respect and treat others also with respect. You expect us to give you hard earned knowledge and advice and then mock those honest...
Bro ox is strong as it gets, understand this, but without gw/s4( please everyone take notes sarms are legit and one of the best additions to a cycle) you're taking in the full aspects of ox! Lol it's a bull!! What your experiencing is common and for me 1-2 caps a day is the limit! Does it work...
Honestly I like both cycles! If I ran the proposed cycle def add aromasin and bump caber to .5 . I've ran Dylan's example cycle excluding gw and s4. Let me tell you both are great for size; npp will creep up on you quick and well we all know about deca/dbol for size. I can see Dylan's cycle...
Bro glad to see you back and committed! Many of us have been down those consuming roads but you're back and that's what counts! Speaking of Nate, I miss that guy. So, your cycle has many qualities that spell gains and more gains. I think by now you know exactly what to expect from those...
Lol this one cracks me up!! Had some real solid advice for first run! But from what I hear bro the pain is typical. What you running to 14 15 16 weeks?
I'll give you a challenge... Change your lifestyle like Dylan said make the choice. Live that way for a whole year and see the results and positive impact it will have on your life. The catch is : the day you fall off the wagon, if you can commit to that year, the alcohol will kick your ass so...