Hey Bro, I have been clean and out of gym for a couple years. I am getting back into it! I bought some Dianabulk, Black Extreme, Test C & E. Want to buy some MK-2866. Can you help me with some discounts? It would be greatly appreciated!
Hey Needto, read about you giving free sample of HCGenerate if having Edition problems. I am and I am 43 years old-time. Would live to give it a try if the deal is still going on. Belonged to this site for many years. O would greately appreciate the chance at having an erection, it has been...
Just wanted to bring to your attention that MC is using the same bare chested pic. for their website as Elite Bodiez is using! I'm sure they copied your idea!!
I need something to get me back in the gym again! I've used many of your products(Beast, Diesel, unleashed,etc...) all awesome. I was in a car accident 4 years ago and somebody died(not my fault,
but something a person cannot forget)! The Trial(with all the delays) is now set for March(it's been...
Bro, try Dieselbolan 2.0! I have done both and prefer D2.0!! No lethargy and great for Mass(even strength)! Plus, my Libido has been great the whole cycle!! If u tried it already, don't mean to interupt! Good Luck!!
I am going into my 4th week of Dieselbolan 2.0 only! Hard-ons through out the day. That's why I love it more than Beast, also
no lethargic feeling!!Only up maybe 10 lbs., but that's my fault because of my nutrition and work-outs. Great results, considering my laziness!! Considering doing another...
What do u think of doing 8 weeks of Dieselbolan2.0? I love it, better than Beastrol. I see people stacking 2 prohormones together
(ex.-Beastrol & Epi,)and getting great results. As long as I protect mt Liver, do you think I will be O.K. using D2.0? Since they
are your products, I figured you...
Since people are cycling 2 different prohormones in the same cycle, would it be O.K to use D2.0 for 8 weeks(as long as you
take care of your Liver)? It seems 8 weeks of D2.0 would be
easier on your body than cycling Beastrol & D2.0, Yes or No?
If you have not tried Dieselbolan 2.0 yet, you are...