New member
Well, this is my first post on this forum. Have poked around for the past 6 months and have learned a ton, so i owe you guys big time! My stats are as follows. 6' 195 9%bf, 26 years been training serious for the past 4 years. Have cycled twice, test only at 400mg per week. saw very nice and solid gains from this alone. anyway, enough of all that, on to my review.
After finding Needto's site, i personally was a little skeptical about some of the products. No offense to needto, but im the type to research everything from top to bottom before even trying it. I have a few bro's who are on slin, the real deal, which i will never touch. that shiz will make you diabetic or even kill you, but the results they are getting are beyond amazing. So after researching Need2Slin and coming back with nothing but good reviews from all you bro's here at Elite, decided what the hell..
First thing that was impressive, the shipping time. ordered at 1030 on a monday, it was sitting at my door wednesday at 10am. Thats the kind of customer service i like!!
Within the first three days, i knew this stuff was legit as it comes. Bodybuilding is without a question, a passion of mine and i have nearly taken everything under the sun seems like but im here to tell you first hand that this stuff was unreal! the pumps in the gym, wow! felt like i was going to rip out of my skin. ive got veins now that i never had before.. my gf thinks its gross but i like it!
and im not sure if this is normal, but after eating, it was almost like i could feel myself growing?? i just felt big after everytime i ate. was kinda freaky the first couple times for sure, i was like, da fuq is going on here!?? when i started, i was roughly around 14%bf and 190lbs.. today is my last day sadly and i have dropped 5% bf and put on 5lbs of lean muscle.. could not be happier, especially in this short of a time.
My diet was nothing special, just a lot of chicken, fish, and lean steak, fruits, and one cheat meal a week, usually like some spaghetti or something.. i dont really count macros bc my life is really too hectic to do so with work. no other special supps besides two-a-days, fish oil, and CLA.
All i can say, is that if Needto's products are all like this, then he has a dedicated buyer! Awesome job on this product bro!! its coming close to bulking season but i know what ill have in my supp list come summer next year to cut!!
After finding Needto's site, i personally was a little skeptical about some of the products. No offense to needto, but im the type to research everything from top to bottom before even trying it. I have a few bro's who are on slin, the real deal, which i will never touch. that shiz will make you diabetic or even kill you, but the results they are getting are beyond amazing. So after researching Need2Slin and coming back with nothing but good reviews from all you bro's here at Elite, decided what the hell..
First thing that was impressive, the shipping time. ordered at 1030 on a monday, it was sitting at my door wednesday at 10am. Thats the kind of customer service i like!!
Within the first three days, i knew this stuff was legit as it comes. Bodybuilding is without a question, a passion of mine and i have nearly taken everything under the sun seems like but im here to tell you first hand that this stuff was unreal! the pumps in the gym, wow! felt like i was going to rip out of my skin. ive got veins now that i never had before.. my gf thinks its gross but i like it!

My diet was nothing special, just a lot of chicken, fish, and lean steak, fruits, and one cheat meal a week, usually like some spaghetti or something.. i dont really count macros bc my life is really too hectic to do so with work. no other special supps besides two-a-days, fish oil, and CLA.
All i can say, is that if Needto's products are all like this, then he has a dedicated buyer! Awesome job on this product bro!! its coming close to bulking season but i know what ill have in my supp list come summer next year to cut!!