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Syringe measurements... Help please?


New member
I just wanted to check I understand the measurements correctly...

I have "10mg vial - MT2 powder" and "2ml water" and multiple "1ml insulin syringe"

I WANT TO TAKE 0.25mg (250mcg) / DAY

so if i mix them together....

I have 5mg/1ml ??


Would that mean I need to fill the syringe to literally "5" on my syringe? (half way from 10)

See pic below for where I think...


Am i correct?

If not, can you explain why and what would be the correct measurement for 0.25?


edit: Another question - my MT2 is currently in the freezer... Do I need to do anything before mixing with bac water (defrost?? LOL - excuse my ignorance) or just straight up inject the bac water into the vial after getting it from the freezer?
You are correct.

If you add 2mL of water, your vial will be dosed at 10mg/2mL or 5mg/mL

Each iu will give you 50mcg so 5 iu would give you 250mcg

You can add the bad water directly after taking the vial out of the freezer.
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