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Posted by Dr L on February 07, 1997 at 10:35:47:

It seems that a lot of people are confused about supplementation,
boost of testo, H-GH and mass gain
I don't pretend to know everything about supplementation but
i would like to give you some basics
I have just read some BB magazines and i really think they take their readers
for idiots.
You can read in a lot of BB magazines this kind of declaration:
"it's possible to increase the level of H-GH and testosterone
by using non-hormonal supplementation like Amino acid and deprenyl (for instance)"
and they give the reference of a medical study
Generally you have 3 possibilities
1) this "study" was made on laboratory mices by a "M.D".
-> forget it
2) this study was made on a small group of people (10 ) by some physicians
and sponsorised by a private company or lobby.
-> forget it, i remenber having read that tabacco was absolutely not linked
with any cancer or that abortion induces cancer......
3) a medical study published in a medical newpapers (it's not always a garanted)
by physicians(=M.D+ real patients):
Usual medicale reference but generally tested people are old (65>) or are
menopaused female ....
It works because it corrects a disorder induced by a defiency but is totally
irrelevant for a young male of 25yo . Generally the studies is very clear on this matter
but guru s extrapolate in order to have something to write in their magazines every month (i guess)

If you take arginine and ornithine 3 hours after your last meal i'm sure
it will boost your H-GH, but for 15 minutes only because you body self-regulate
If your are less than 40yo, when your body need H-GH, is able to produce it by itself
without any problem :for instance when you sleep, when you work out intensively
[for older people, it's different]
That's why you can not hope to have any results from a such (short) boost
So you can dump all the H-GH or IG-F releasers

It's the same phenomena, you can take all the suplementation drug you wants( including deprenyl), if they don't
act directly on your gonade (like zinc , hcg, saw palmetto ...) they won't do anything for you mass gain because
if there is any increase, your body will quickly auto regulate
[If you have a defiency it's different]
Drink one liter of skim milk and you will see that your testo will increase during 15 min
Eat a creamy ice-cream and you will see that your testo will drop during 30 min
Do you consider skim milk like a testo-releaser ? Please
Zinc is different because it's directly involved in the testosterone production
Saw palmetto acts at another level and both improve the efficiency of the self-regulation
mechanism, it helps the body to adjust his hormone level or the sensitivity of the body when he needs too

If you want to improve your level of H-GH or testo at supra-normal level
i'm afraid you have no other choice but to take H-GH and testo
But it's absolutely not necessary to gain muscle, it's necessay to gain 20lb of
muscle in one month
WHen I hear a 25yo bodybuilder of 230lb which ask me to begin a AS supplementation
because he shows me a screening where his testo level is low, i laugh and i show
him a picture of someone who has really a testo insufficient and he laughs.
After one week without training,his testo soars and he is suprised because
he has gained mass

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