Posted by Mouse on February 01, 1997 at 01:28:45:
I just had a friend come back from a run to mexico. He managed to purchase
8 primotestan 250, a box of nolvadex (30 tabs), clomid, and enough clen to
last a while. This is his first cycle, he's 23, around 6'0 175, 9% bodyfat,
good shape, hardgainer, lifting hard for 3 years. He's gonna use the primotest
once a week for eight weeks, while eating like a horse of course, then hit the
clomid with some DHEA at the end of the cycle, followed by the clen. His main
question is whether the nolvadex will be necessary with such a low dose of
testosterone? Will the aromatization effects be enough to warrant taking it,
and thus hender potential gains? He told me one time that he went to the doctor
when he was teenager because he had a sore nipple and thed doctor told him it was
normal adolescent hormonal activity. Does this mean he would have a tendency
toward gyno during the cycle? Anyway, if he does use the nolvadex, since he only
got one box, should he use it for the last 4 weeks of the cycle, or the last two
weeks and then two weeks after? I told him to get proviron but he couldn't find
it down there. Should've got some HCG too, but it's too late now. Anyway, I'm
sure he'd really appreciate any advice anyone out there has to offer.
P.S. He'd also like to know if he's covered all the bases for keeping the gains
after coming off the cycle. Would it be worth it to find some HCG or will
the clomid/DHEA combo be enough? Thanks again.