Re: A.S. over the long term - any long term users?

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Posted by anonymous on January 29, 1997 at 02:31:21:

In Reply to: A.S. over the long term - any long term users? posted by rubashov on January 28, 1997 at 23:44:27:

Ive been on A.S. for th past 8 years, and the only time Ive gone off is for a couple of weeks.My dosage would be considered abuse, but this is the only way to get huge(Iīd probably lose a lot of muscle if I went off).I cycle my use between heavy toxic androgens(anadrol,parabolan,suspension,halo,D-bol,Finaplix,Ralgro) and non toxic anabolics(Primobolan Depot,Enanthate,Deca,Masteron and Equipoise )on a 3 on and back again.My usage has been limited by my income, and Id surely take more If I could.I only use hGH for contest prep 4IU daily.So far Ive had no acne problems(never had),my gyno(they were huge before!)has been surgically removed), and my liver enzymes only get high when on heavy androgens, but they come back to normal after 4 months on some low androgens anabolics.Yes, my balls are as small as M&Mīs, but Ive reached my childhood dream.Let me state that this wouldnīt had come if it wasnīt for my persistance and dedication to friggin intense workouts on an almost daily basis and an all year-round clean eating habit.Its no easy way to the top, and the bodybuilding social life is pretty shitty.Its more of a self-reward.No, not everyone can grow the same even abusing A.S., but its a hard and long trip to find out.Hope this may be helpful to anyone.

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