Re: To S3 - Re: Androstene

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Posted by S3 on January 18, 1997 at 22:54:05:

In Reply to: Re: To S3 - Re: Androstene posted by The Tower on January 18, 1997 at 12:28:55:

: : : S3, Interested in knowing you source for Androstene. With current FDA regulations,
: : : it may very well be possible for someone to derive a "supplement" that really works.

: : : Currently we have things like DHEA and Melatonin which are both powerful hormones
: : : being sold over the counter, so why not ? I personally cannot see the difference between selling DHEA over the counter and Testosterone.

: : : If Androstene has someone with Patrick Arnold's reputation is working
: : : on it, hell I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I would speculate however that if it did
: : : have a bodybuilding benefit and was hormonally based then the FDA will shut it
: : : down pretty quick.

: : : I would go on to say that if DHEA was ever proven to be of real benefit to
: : : bodybuilders (I am not saying it is, the jury is still way out on that) the same thing
: : : would occur, so you would expect suppliers of that non-prescription "Drug" to
: : : downplay any findings that area.

: : The distributor working with Pat on Androstene is OSMO
: : in San Francisco. 415-513-5528 talk to Stan- great guy.
: : The literature says that 50 mg causes a near 200% rise
: : in test levels within 90 minutes, with 100 mg nearly tripling
: : test levels. The androstene is converted to test by your liver,
: : not your testes, so there is potential for suppression of
: : your natural test output. OSMO will tell you that you should
: : only take it on lifting days about two hours before workout,
: : 'so that the spike in test will fire you up, but so as not
: : to risk shutdown and testicular atrophy (also more cost
: : effective at $60 per bottle) . In an e-mail which
: : Pat was kind enough to take the time to respond to, he
: : informed me that you can take it throughout the day
: : to maintain consistently elevated test levels, but that
: : you could experience similar side effects to taking
: : test in that case. I'm going to take throughout the day
: : for a couple of weeks, but if I see any adverse side effects
: : have some Ipriflavone standing by to counter the aromatization,
: : which Pat tells me should even further spike my test levels
: : by fooling the axis into jumpstarting the testes, which in turn
: : will supplement the test my liver's turning the Androstene
: : into.

: : As I said in a previous post, I have not used any AS,
: : in over ten years, so the results should be interesting.
: : I'll keep everyone appraised of my progress.

: : Day 1

: : 30 years old
: : 6'2"
: : 245 lbs.
: : 15-16% bodyfat (yuch!)

: : Bench 365lbs.
: : Squat 405 lbs
: : Military 205 lbs

: : Wish me luck!
: : S3

: Sounds like Bullshit to me! I wonder if it is as good
: as Retibol, or HGH-1 or that IGF-1A or maybe testatropinal.
: There are so many BULLSHIT products out there, it's
: un-fuck'n-believable! You are probably working for the
: company, and using this as a cheap way to indorse it!


It may be bullshit, I don't know. I do not work for OSMO, and I
will not advertise or endorse any product on the web. I respect Pat
Arnolds's work on both OTC and prescription supplementation,
and thought the product was worth trying. If no- one
is interested- I won't take up time or space on the
board posting results. Tower- I know how you feel because
most every other OTC supplement I've tried has been
bullshit, and were it not for Pat's involvement in this
one- I would never even have considered spending my money on
it. By the way- lighten up Francis- Claw asked me for a source,
and I posted only to answer his request. I posted earlier regarding
my considering using this product with no reference as to where I
was getting it. No one seemed interested in the post, so I didn't mention
it again until I saw Claw's request. AS users can still benefit and
enhance their cycles through the use of some OTC supplements and if this
particular product seems benificial I thought some member of the board
would like to know. If it sucks as bad as HMB, CLA or any other of
Butt Plugs products I'll also be the first send up the warning signal-
but if I'm going to have you jump in my shit, then I'll just stick to taunting
the DEA sloths sitting on their asses reading these post, while their (real men)
counterparts paratroop into the Yucatan and do cool, useful stuff like blow up
crack labs, and assasinate cartel bosses.



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