Posted by Trek Armice on January 16, 1997 at 12:17:04:
Guys, it seems the focus of this board has changed from advice on lifting, supplements,
cycles, etc. to Mail Order sources, price lists, whether a dealer is legit or not...
Think about what you're asking for. I'm not going to preach, but you all know that
steroids are a SECTION III CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE!!! Like Crack, Smack, and blow.
Possession, buying, or selling them is a FELONY. PERIOD. I think that it's complete
bullshit, but it's the LAW (sorry Jim and your loser fucking co-worker Fed boys).
So far I'm not telling you guys anything that you don't already know. That's the
part that blows me away. Would you place an ad looking to buy Crack, Heroin, or
Coke? Would you answer an ad from someone who's selling Crack, Heroin, or Coke?
I wouldn't. Ususally people that are into shit like that, just manage to put
themselves into the situations to obtain it, ie....going to the right parties, hangin'
with low get my point. It's the same thing with roids. People just
put themselves in the enviornment to get working out in GYMS with huge
mutherfuckers. Use some logic...9 out of 10 huge guys you see didn't get that
way off Phosphashit. Surround yourself with them. If you can't find an angle
to get what you want, go to another party! Get my drift. Before I first got
my first source of performance enhancement "supplements" (*smile Jim, you fuck*) I
worked out at some pussy gyms and finally just went where the big fuckers worked out.
Then after 8 months of discretly hinting, I got what I wanted.
Just be patient and be smart and think. I don't mean this negatively to
those who advertise their goods...hey more power to ya. Everybody should just
think a little that's all.
Once you finally get your bounty...come back here and guys like Big Canuk,
Juice Monkey, Lou, and others,can tell you how to optimize them.
Oh well...enough said. Good luck and stay strong.