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Je sais que les sources médiatiques comme People Magazine faire tous les prix qu’ils donnent à un concours de popularité. Popularité de la personne, carrière, et le sex-appeal (telle que perçue par les médias) jouent tous un rôle énorme dans quelqu'un remporte un prix décerné par le magazine. Mais lorsqu’ils décident de donner un prix pour "Corps plus incroyable", I would think that they'd actually pick the person with the best body. toutefois, I was surprised at who People Magazine chose when they picked the Most Amazing Body award.
Jennifer Love Hewitt was chosen as the winner on the female end, which doesn't bother me too badly because....well, she does have a nice body. D'autre part, I was a little surprised by who People Magazine chose for the Most Amazing Body among the men. They picked former High School Musical star Zac Efron as the best body among men.
Now last time I checked, Efron was singing and dancing through a fictional high school with his little basketball in his hands, and being idolized by 12 year-old girls. He wasn't a ripped man capable of winning any hottest body awards. And while he may be slapped on the cover of a magazine with some definition in a glossy picture, the last time I checked, étant 170 with a little muscle tone shouldn't automatically earn you some sexiest body competition award. Has People Magazine ever heard of bodybuilding?