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Mine gode venner over på N2BM ernæring har endelig frigivet deres meget ventede spot reduktion spray - YohimFlame. Dette er en spray fyldt med fedt-brænding ingredienser i en transdermal matrix, der vil levere disse fedtforbrænding forbindelser ret til fedtceller, du vil målrette den mest. YohimFlame kan sprøjte fedtet væk fra brystet, og skrå områder, dem, der er sværere at skærpe. Nedenfor, Læs en artikel jeg fandt, der forklarer nogle af aktionerne af denne kraftfulde aktuel fedtforbrænder.
N2BM ernæring INC. har været det selskab, de fleste af jer kender til deres verdensberømte HCGenerate produkt, and this is their first topical fat burning product. This product took years of development and planning, da spot-reduktion ikke er en let løfte at opfylde, formlen var nødt til at være lige ret og pakket med tunge hårdtslående ingredienser.
Finde forklaring på YohimFlame og en del af, hvordan det virker til at forbrænde fedt, hvor du vil mest nedenfor.
YohimFlame spray er pakket med
fedt-brænding ingredienser i en transdermal matrix, der vil levere disse
fedtforbrænding forbindelser ret til fedtceller, du vil målrette mod den
de fleste.
Lose fat from targeted areas like the chest and oblique areas. Product is safe for women! Try YohimFlame!
The two main ingredients in YohimFlame are yohimbine and alpha-yohimbe. When used topically, Yohimbe has been shown to substantially increase lipolysis, also known as fat burning. The topical use of Yohimbe takes effect at both a local level on the area applied and to a lesser extent, systemically (all over the body).
YohimFlame delivers a concentrated dose of yohimbine and alpha-yohimbe, along with other active and powerful fat burning compounds, directly to the area of application. When applied topically, the fat cells underneath the skin receive concentrations of these ingredients that could never be possible by ingesting the same compounds.
Topically applied yohimbine and alpha-yohimbe work best to reduce the size of “stubborn fat” areas, like the obliques, arms and chest areas. These areas are commonly known as “stubborn fat” deposits, and are a result of our very own genetic code and continued exposure to Estrogen, which can happen due to both natural and environmental factors.
The way that Estrogen builds up these unwanted “stubborn fatty” deposits, is first, by increasing the total number of Alpha2 Adrenoceptors. Derefter, by activating these same receptors, which in turn inhibits fat burning. So not only does Estrogen act as a signal carried telling these receptors to STOP burning fat, but it also increases the total number of receptors as well. This is a very bad scenario for any athlete looking to shred down bodyfat to single digit numbers.
One of your body’s best fat utilization agents is called norepinephrine (noradrenalin), also known as NA – Oradrenaline will bind to the alpha2 adrenoceptor, which causes a negative feedback loop. NA affects this loop by triggering the Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor, which will in turn inhibit the release of the very same Norepinephrine that is activating it. To put it in simple terms, when NA activates this alpha2 adrenoceptor it produces a signal in the cells to “STOP” all the fat burning, but when yohimbine is available in the body, it too will attach to the Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor, however it does NOT send a signal. I stedet, Yohimbe will act as a dud by basically blocking the Alpha2 andrenoceptor, thus allowing norepinephrine to roam free and NOT be taken up by this receptor and other adrenergics to utilize the stored fatty acids for fuel to be burned during your cardio sessions.
While you might already know that yohimbine is not an anti-estrogen product, it’s effect on the Alpha2 adrenoceptor causes the cells to release (brænding) fatty acids stored in these estrogenic fat pockets. YohimFlame helps the mobilization of fat directly out of these fatty pockets and into the bloodstream for uptake. YohimFlame highjacks the fat burning system directly at the wanted site, making it very easy for you to burn fatty storage that would otherwise prove almost impossible to target with any diet or exercise.
For women looking for the ultimate fat burner, YohimFlame is the most effective topical product for buttocks, thighs/hamstrings, hips and arms (though use is not limited to these areas) - the results from using YohimFlame tend to be a lot more noticeable in women, since women have more of these receptors due to exposure to higher estrogenic levels throughout their life…
In male Bodybuilders, the common areas of stubborn fatty deposits vary more but can typically be the : love handles/lower back , brystet, triceps, buttocks and thighs- In men with fatty deposit patterns that are highly estrogenic (female fat storage pattern), YohimFlame will be noticeably effective at any body fat level. Men who display heavy female pattern fatty deposits will most likely have higher contradiction of the Alpha2 andrenoceptor, thus YohimFlame should be very helpful in those areas.
YohimFlame is the true spot-reduction of fat. Targeted fat reduction is just not possible via exercise, and even ingesting drugs for this purpose is not feasible in humans, but targeting the Alpha2 andrenoceptor, via spot utilization of Yohimbe and Alpha-yohimbe will make receptor blocking a reality,
YohimFlame stacks well with Liquidex AI for fatty nipples in men, or N2Burn for general fat loss.
Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, IPM, yohimbine, alpha-yohimbe, 7-Keto-DHEA, Synephrine, Koffein, Hindbær Ketoner.
Time to stop lying to yourself... Here\'s your link to grab a bottle of YohimFlame.
For another fat burner that stacks well with YohimFlame, check out OxandroVar. Or read more...
Are you really doing everything you can to get you six-pack abdominal region looking tight for the summer? Your options for achieving this goal just improved by a thousand percent with the release of OxandroVar!
OxandroVar er en alvorlig anabolske stakken for de fyre, der søger for at droppe nogle betydelige bodyfat, samtidig øge muskelmassen og masse. Stigning i styrke, libido og udholdenhed er et givet med disse stakke for!
Gone are the days of losing muscle while you are on a cutting diet... Med OxandroVar, Du kan nu skære ned dine kalorier og forbrænde fedt med tillid til at dine dyrebare muskelmasse bliver beskyttet mod katabolisme af 4 very powerful anabolic prohormones. Med denne ultimative skære/RECOMPING cyklus, the fat will melt off to reveal the physique you always knew you had under all that blubber. OxandroVar is not just a single prohormone – it is a harmony of several different androgenic tunes, alle spille sammen til at danne en muskel-bygning og fedt-brænding symfoni af enorme proportioner.
Klik her for at få OxandroVar i dag.
OxandroVar has become all the rage on the fitness forums all over the internet now. Knowledgeable Vets and trusted Bros alike are amazed by the depth and thoroughness of each formula. Du kan bruge mellem $250 til $400 forsøger at købe hver enkelt ingrediens flaske, but instead you get the whole cycle for a tiny price.
Grab a bottle of OxandroVar today and begin your cutting cycle off right. Ingen gætte arbejde, just burn fat and grow muscle while making significant improvements to the way you look and feel. Click Here to get OxandroVar today and begin your cutting cycle.
Hvis du ønsker at diskutere GK prohormoner med andre medlemmer skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du ønsker at drøfte DianaBulk med andre medlemmer, formuleringen og hvordan du bruger produktet skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du ønsker at drøfte OxandroVar med andre medlemmer, og hvordan man laver denne skæring cyklus bedst ud af dit liv, skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du har spørgsmål om produkterne og hvordan man bruger dem og ønsker dem besvaret, skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du søger for at få en masse af muskel masse. Du har brug for: DianaBulk
Hvis du ønsker at tabe bodyfat samtidig opretholde musklen masse. Du har brug for: OxandroVar
Hvis du virkelig ønsker at få lean og hårde muskelmasse uden noget fedt eller væskeophobning på alle. Bare bruge: PrimoDex
ADVARSEL HOLD UTILGÆNGELIGT FOR BØRN. Dette produkt er beregnet til voksne kun. Ikke til brug for personer under 18 år af alder, gravide eller ammende kvinder. Hvis du har haft en medicinsk tilstand eller i øjeblikket bruger receptpligtig medicin consult din læge før du bruger dette produkt. Undgå dette produkt, hvis du har en tidligere historie af medicinsk dysfunktion eller sygdom, herunder men ikke begrænset til nyresygdom. Afbryde brugen og konsultere din læge, hvis nogen bivirkninger forekomme. "Disse udtalelser er ikke blevet evalueret af Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Dette produkt er ikke beregnet til at diagnosticere, behandle, kur, eller forebygge nogen sygdom. ALTID konsultere din læge før brug."