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In today\'s News, mijn vrienden bij share the facts about their butt-kicking fat burner Xplosive Burn! Xplosive Burn is a lipolytic and thermogenic supplement with ingredients that provide very diverse actions ranging from thyroid gland support to aiding in mental focus and motivation. That\'s fancy pharma-speak for burns fat, gives you tons of energy, and helps you concentrate on your workout.
In their article below, AG-Guys tells you all about Xplosive Burn\'s method of action and about the ingredients that make it so special. En, just for readers, they have a special price that\'s valid just for you - until it\'s not! Read on and get ready to burn baby burn!
Xplosive Burn is a lipolytic and thermogenic supplement with ingredients that provide very diverse actions ranging from thyroid gland support to aiding in mental focus and motivation. The product targets white and brown adipose tissue and not only stimulates fat loss in general, but also combats fat specifically in stubborn areas for localized fat loss. Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants aid by increasing the metabolic rate and also provide the body with energy.*60 capsules per 1 bottle*
Regular Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $24.97
Since ephedrine has gained so much controversy leading to it’s ban in many countries, synephrine has gained in popularity as a milder CNS stimulant that encourages fat loss. Synephrine provides an energy boost, acts as an anorectic by suppressing the appetite, and increases the metabolic rate and energy expenditure. Even thought is stimulates specific adrenergic receptors, synephrine does not appear to have as pronounced negative side effects as other stimulants. By stimulating the beta-3 (?-3) receptors, adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into adipose tissue to metabolize the fat in those cells.
Cafeïne is een stimulerend CNS die gemakkelijk kruisen kan de bloed - hersenbarrière en handelingen als een antagonist van adenosine receptoren te verhogen de activiteit van dopamine. Cafeïne kan ook, eventueel, verhoging van adrenaline niveaus en acuut gebruik kunnen verheffen seratonin niveaus waardoor de iemands humeur. Hoewel cafeïne als een nootropic stof fungeren kan, het fungeert ook als een Lipolytische stof door het vrijkomen van vet uit vetweefsel triggering door het verhogen van cyclisch adenosine monophospate (c-AMP) activiteit. Specifieker, het is een van de drie primaire metabolieten van cafeïne in de vorm van paraxantine die verantwoordelijk is voor een verhoging van de lipolytische door het vrijgeven van vetzuren en glycerol in de bloedbaan te worden gebruikt als brandstofbron door de spieren van het lichaam. Cafeïne fungeert ook als een diureticum naast vet release voor metabolisme.
Groene thee:
Voor meer dan duizend jaren groene thee heeft opgebruikt recreatief evenals medisch als gunstig voor vitale organen van het lichaam, prevention of fatigue and improving brain function. Afgezien van eerder genoemde, groene thee kan het verbeteren van cardiovasculaire gezondheid door op te treden als een antistollingsmiddel, voorkomen van LDL (slechte cholesterol) oxidatie, die zou verminderen arteriële plaque-opbouw. Groene thee lijkt te opbrengst thermogene eigenschappen die vet ook buiten haar cafeïnegehalte metaboliseren kunnen hetzij via thermogene sympathiek activering, vet oxidatie, of beide. Green theecatechins kunnen zeer nuttig zijn in zowel de preventie als behandeling voor obesitas.
Evodiamine is a bioactive alkaloid extract of Evodiae fructus. While is has been used for many years in traditional Chinese herbal medicines, it is relatively new to sport’s nutrition. Evodiamine nutritionally can be used for upper abdominal distress, misselijkheid, diarree, and pain from abdominal hernias, and it can also be used to reduce fat uptake, increased metabolism of fat, and appetite suppression. For appetite suppression, evodiamine acts as a cholecystokinine agonist that through pancreatic pathways slows gastric emptying to extend the satiating effect of food. Ook, through agonistic activities of the vallinoid receptors evodiamine acts very similar to capsaicin without the pungent taste. It simultaneously induces heat loss, heat production, and the dissipation of food energy, which in turn prevents fat accumulation and storage in the core area of the body (abdomen and chest).
Hoe werkt de FU #K deze kerel daling hieronder 4% lichaamsvet zonder drugs? SNEL! Tom Venuto is een natuurlijke bodybuilder die regelmatig concurreert op 4% lichaamsvet en onder. Feit is, Er zijn waarschijnlijk maar weinig mensen die echt vet verlies beter begrijpen dan Tom. Zijn van essentiële kennis, en totdat u deze beginselen begrijpen u niet echt verwachten dat we krijgen tot zeer laag lichaamsvet percentage - dat is wat we allemaal willen toch? Ontdek hoe het te doen - gemakkelijk.... |
Yohimbine HCl:
Yohimbine has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac and as a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). Only in the last decade or more has yohimbine gained popularity as a nutritional supplement to fight against fat stored in the abdomen, lower back, hips, and thighs. Ja, yohimbine can have a fantastic effect on libido, but it is also very effective at blocking the alpha-2 ???2) adrenoreceptors to allow norepinephrine to metabolize fat in the areas of the body that tend to be stubborn fat deposits. Ook, when blocking the alpha-2 adrenoreceptors, blood flow to those lower portions of the body where the stubborn fat is stored increases in adipose tissue preventing fat from being retained. Ook, it is thought that yohimbine can increase dopamine levels and improve the mood.
Forskolin comes from the plant Coleus forskohlii which has been used for centuries to treat asthma and allergy conditions resulting from low c-AMP activity, cardiovascular ailments, digestive disorders, sluggish thyroid (hypothyroidism), glaucoma, obesity, and many other diseases or ailments. Foskolin can affect such a diverse array of health problems because it affects the most basic and one of the most important cell regulatory compounds: cyclic adenosine monophospate (c-AMP). Forskolin bypasses the normal activation of the enzyme (adenylate cyclase) that increases intracellular levels of c-AMP. Activation of adenylate cyclase is normally done by various hormones binding to specific cell membrane receptors, whereas forskolin can also affect c-AMP levels in the same manner. Asthma and many allergies generally coincide with decreased c-AMP levels; therefore caution should be used when using bronchiodilators such as albuterol for example. Eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis can also be improved with the use of foskolin. In relation to using forskolin in a fat burning stack, it has demonstrated the ability to increase thyroid hormone production as well as release. It has also demonstrated the ability to inhibit fat synthesis in adipose tissue while also stimulating lipolysis, or metabolizing the fat. Forskolin counteracts the response loss of lypolytic hormones such as epinephrine that is associated with aging. Forskolin also helps with better nutrient absorption in the small intestine. This compound is beneficial in so many ways that finding a reason to not use it would almost be incomprehensible.
Wakame leaf (Undaria pinnatifida extract):
Wakame leaf is a brown seaweed species that contains a carotenoid called fucoxanthin that can promote fat loss in two different ways. Fucoxanthin can stimulate the UCP1 protein that causes the oxidation of fat in white adipose tissue, and the abdominal area contains an abundance of white adipose tissue. Since fucoxanthin can be a beneficial compound to reduce abdominal distension or oversized guts. The compound also stimulates production of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid – a type of omega-3 fatty acid) by the liver at a level close to omega-3 fish oil supplementation. Higher levels of DHA decrease LDL (slechte cholesterol) and serum triaglycerol levels that contribute to heart disease and obesity.
Raspberry ketone:
Raspberry ketone is an aromatic compound that is similar to capsaicin in molecular structure but it is not a beta-agonist like capsaicin. Instead it causes the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) enzyme to translocate from the cellular cytosol to the lipid structures and convert or break down fat in adipose tissue into simple fatty acids to be burned by an increase in norepinephrine-induced lipolysis. Raspberry ketone also appears to inhibit the absorption of dietary fat in the small intestine by inhibiting pancreatic lipase activity in the digestive process, which breaks dietary fat down into absorptive fatty acids. Raspberry ketone is an excellent compound choice when it is included with a forskolin supplement.
*60 capsules per 1 bottle*
Regular Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $24.97
Other Products by AG-Guys:
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of blood corpuscles, nerve sheaths and various proteins. It is also involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism and is essential for growth. Adenosylcobalamin is the coenzyme for isomerization of 1-methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl Co A (an important reaction in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism) and in ribonucleotide reduction (which provides building blocks for DNA synthesis). Reactions involving methylcobalamin include biosynthesis of methionine, methane and acetate. There is evidence that vitamin B12 is required in the synthesis of folate polyglutamates (active coenzymes required in the formation of nerve tissue) and in the regeneration of folic acid during red blood cell formation.
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