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In what appears to be a joint effort between the United States and China, several large Chinese pharmaceutical powder suppliers have been shut down and their owners arrested. You\'ve probably heard about the very harsh punishments that the Chinese government can dish out, so it is pretty certain that the Chinese will be out of the business of supplying Underground labs with the raw materials they need to produce the anabolic steroids popular among athletes shopping on the Net.
En utilisant les derniers médicaments de culturisme pour énorme succès musculaire! Du Bureau d'Anthony Roberts Cher collègue athlète, J’espère qu’originel vais vérifier mon e-book that nouvelles sur comment vous pouvez utiliser les médicaments de musculation plus tard. Dans le 300+ pages, Jemti vais vous dire comment faire pour construire le muscle à l’aide de l’hormone de croissance humaine (HGH), Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), Insuline HUMULIN-R, Growth Factor Mécano (MGF), Lr3IGF-1, MK-677, SM-130686, Somatokine, Tabimorilin (NN703), et une foule d'autres dérivés de l'hormone de croissance et les stéroïdes anabolisants pour développer l'immense, corps musclé de vos rêves. Mon e-Book est intitulé Au-delà des stéroïdes, parce qu’il est là pour ça.... Il vous montre comment prendre votre physique Au-delà des stéroïdes et it publié par EliteFitness. Dans Au-delà des stéroïdes, Je prends tous les stéroïdes de culturisme de vieille école et vous montrer comment les utiliser dans des solutions novatrices - ceux qui favorise les gains musculaires ultra-rapides. Jemti vais aussi vous montrer comment prendre tous les médicaments de culturisme de vieille école et empilez-les avec tous la nouvelle GH, Facteurs de croissance IGF-1 et de l'insuline pour encore plus de bénéfice de bâtiment de muscle. Comme George écrit dans sa lettre de Promo, "Si vous êtes un utilisateur de stéroïdes éduqué avec quelques cycles sous sa ceinture, Pourtant, vous avez toujours don ' t ont la vraiment massive, "sec" musculaire oeil de peau mince papier tendue fermement sur énorme, muscle musclé qui est complètement dépourvue de graisse corporelle, puis Au-delà des stéroïdes a été écrit pour vous, parce qu'il vous mettra à ce niveau plus vite que vous auriez jamais cru possible." Mais, mon livre n’est pas pour le meunier qui let de son plan détaillant ses cycles et durera quelque faux engins le gars a autour en ce moment. Et il n'est certainement pas pour le stéroïde complet vierge. toutefois, Si cette doesn ' t sonore vous aimez, et j’ai don ' t pense que c’est compte tenu du fait que vous arrivez déjà à Elite, alors j’espère vraiment qu’originel vais cliquer ici pour lire la lettre de promo de George très étroitement. Pourquoi? Parce que cette lettre est tout au sujet ma Au-delà des stéroïdes programme qui est la vraie affaire pour prendre votre physique à un niveau supérieur de perfection musculaire et surpassant même les plateaux les plus difficiles que vous pouvez frapper. Avantage, George a ajouté quelques extras agréable pour les membres cette semaine seulement. Suivez ce lien pour accéder Au-delà des stéroïdes! Anthony Roberts |
En cette semaine de nouvelles, Anthony Roberts, auteur du livre best-seller e Au-delà des stéroïdes, shares with us what he knows about the workings of Underground Labs, the recent busts, and a new state-of-the-art Lab that like a Phoenix has risen from the flames to fill the void - producing some of the best steroids around.
Underground Labs crash & burn, new lab rises from the flames
by Anthony Roberts
Author of Au-delà des stéroïdes - about how you can discover and learn to use all the world\'s newest, rarest and most effective bodybuilding drugs... Ceux qui fonctionnent vraiment, but have never before been written about... And Beyond Steroids will show you new and radical ways to combine the new stuff with the "stéroïdes anabolisants classiques" in ways most Pro Bodybuilders don\'t even understand. Here\'s a link to go Au-delà des stéroïdes.
Over the past few years, those who have been paying attention to the world of Anabolic Steroids have no doubt noticed the emergence of the “UnderGround Lab” as the industry standard. The availability of Chinese exported hormone powders and their low cost have contributed to a new underground lab popping up seemingly every day. Although it is my job to keep up to date on these kinds of things, I couldn’t even come close to knowing every lab’s name, who ran them, and who their remailer(s) were. It would be just impossible…every time I checked the major steroid sites, there seemed to be a new question about yet another new lab.
“Anyone tried ‘Good-Bro Labs’ yet?”
Et malheureusement, most of the labs that were on the scene were basically kitchen sink types of operations. Accordée, reports of actual abscess were rare, still less-than-sterile gear produced in less-than-sterile conditions is always a concern for the consumer. Unlike at where member support keeps the site online, many underground labs give a site\'s staff free products to use, and then get the staff’s endorsement in return. I’ve never seen somebody get a free product and then say it sucked. And when somebody got a free product, they would talk about how great a lab was, and they would promote it often and loudly. And so it goes, and so it goes…
And frequent, this loud talking about a lab that is supposed to be “Underground” attracts a lot of attention... so we see underground labs getting busted left and right over the past few years - along with their customers. But the market stayed strong, and for every lab that went down, 2 sprang up, fed by the ability and willingness of the Chinese powder suppliers to fill orders.
Maintenant, récemment, we’ve seen all of that come crashing down.
In what appears to be a joint effort between the United States and China, several large hormone powder suppliers have been arrested, and with the severity of the penalties they’re now facing in China, I don’t predict that anyone will step up to fill that gap in the near future.
I’m not optimistic about the underground steroid market retaining the level of quality and availability that it had previously achieved (at least not any time soon). There will always be Underground labs, but in the coming months, I know there will be a drop in quality as well as quantity and availability of Underground products. The largest labs will likely soldier on - wounded but not dead and the small ones will probably go under.
This means that the market will likely move back towards human grade products. Luckily there are several worthy contenders in this field, but the one I’ve had my eye on for the last few months is Balkan Pharmaceuticals.
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is the newest human grade pharmaceutical company that I’ve heard about, and I’ll tell you why I’m so enthused about it’s emergence on the market.
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company licensed to manufacture several types of products, but of course, I’m only concerned with their Anabolics, and not really their Aspirin...
Accordée, this company produces much more than anabolics, including a whole line of medicines, NSAIDs/anti-inflamatories, vaccines, and other products that I’m sure are great. But that doesn’t really excite me... and I’m excited...
And I’ll tell you that the reason I’m so excited by this company is that they produce products in sizes and concentrations that real steroid users would actually want, and with the quality and sterility of any major pharmaceutical house. They also have a system in place to avoid counterfeiting and copying, which has become prevalent in the world pharmaceutical market. Each product has a license number and other unique markers which can be used to insure that you are receiving a legitimate Balkan Pharmaceuticals product.
Accordée, everyone knows that Karachi Sustanon is a good product, but it’s annoying to have to crack open 3 separate amps and suck the oil up into a syringe. I prefer multi use vials. Amps just annoy the hell out of me. Ever break an amp while you were trying to crack the top off? Ouais, me too…there goes five or ten bucks. And you need a shoe box to store 40 amps... but four 10ml vials basically fit anywhere.
So where was I? Oh yeah... Balkan Pharmaceuticals produces a bunch of nice injectable steroids in the normal 1 et 2 ml amp sizes, but they also offer 5 and 10ml vials (All the different Testosterone Esters, Testosterone blends, Primobolan, Enfants, et plus), as well as tabs (Winstrol, Proviron, Dianabol, Anavar, etc.). Hé, if you like amps, use the amps, but I know a lot of people will prefer the convenience of a 5 ou 10 ml vial.
From what I have seen thus far, the vials are all nice concentrations of oils (certains, like the primo is 100mgs/ml, while others like the Deca is a whopping 250mgs/ml), and the tabs are generally offered in 2 tailles (a 10mg and a 50mg size, respectivement).
Their tabs are all different colors depending on the product, and they’re scored down the middle with BP on this side, and the milligram amount on the other side. Did I mention how professional this outfit is? Honnêtement, if I was going to produce tabs and oils for practical use, this is how I’d do it personally. You know why I’d make tabs square? Because if you need to cut them in half to divide your dose, round tabs are a pain in the ass. That’s why. Balkan Pharmaceuticals seems to have thought everything out.
Bien sûr, I’ve been able to check out some of the prices that Balkan Pharmaceuticals products are initially being offered at, and they’re probably the best buy on the legitimate market right now. They are not priced below the average Underground lab’s prices, mais en même temps, they’re licensed, guaranteed to be legitimate, sterile and accurately dosed.
I predict that Balkan Pharmaceuticals will set the new standard for human grade anabolics for years to come, and we’ll be seeing a lot of talk about them in the coming months.
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