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All members of Elite Fitness know that HCGenerate is the absolute best Post Cycle Therapy supplement for those guys looking to keep their libido strong and their balls plump. There is nothing worse than raisin nuts... Ask any girl what she thinks about a guy with big muscles and tiny nuts. I bet you won\'t hear anything good.
Not only does HCGenerate work on keeping any possible testicular atrophy at bay, but HCGenerate helps to keep your libido stronger than ever. The effects from this supplement have been well documented world-wide by many athletes who use this product as a reliable means of making sure their steroid use does not affect their performance in the sack... Or shrink their balls.
Below is a great article by Forums Moderator Dylan Gemelli about how HCGenerate works and how it keeps your libido strong and nuts plump, no matter how much steroids you are using. Avantage, keep reading along to find out how to get a $20 discount code for this product, aujourd'hui!
HCGenerate is a staple of the modern Post Cycle Therapy, no Bodybuilder in the world would dare run a cycle without it!
Click Here to get HCGenerate and use code “HCG20” to get $20 off your bottle of HCGenerate.
Why your balls shrink when you don\'t take HCGenerate.
Par Dylan Gemelli
Moderator Forums
Testicular atrophy is a huge issue for chemically enhanced athletes and many will come across it at some point in their weightlifting career. If you have made the decision to be one of the biggest guys in the gym and become a chemically enhanced athlete then there certainly will be some side effects. Testicular atrophy is chief amongst them. Your manhood and sexual performance are hitting the fan right in front of your eyes. There is no point in getting big on Steroids to get the girls if you cannot perform once you have gotten yourself there. Bien, what are you going to do about it? The answer here is simple guys. N2BM Nutrition’s HCGenerate. This is the product that will reverse the negative side effects you are experiencing from Steroids so that you can have your cake and eat it too.
Click Here to get HCGenerate and use code “HCG20” to get $20 off your bottle of HCGenerate.
Why do Bodybuilder\'s only choose HCGenerate to reverse the effects of testicular atrophy?
Bien, for a couple of reasons, not only is this formula backed by cold hard science, but it has also developed quite the following in the more underground and hardcore corners of the bodybuilding world. C'est vrai, the guys that are out there chatting up the girls and turning the heads of the string beans have already heard of HCGenerate and are using it. The guys that are winning, have been using this stuff at an increasing rate and everybody in the gym notices. Even with its dramatic effects HCGenerate remains a well-kept secret of the Pros. You just can’t stumbled upon a testosterone booster as hardcore as HCGenerate at a local vitamin store, you have to be introduced by somebody in-the-know. This may be your introduction, so pay attention bro!
Let’s hear the science on why I need HCGenerate!
Steroid use damages your natural Testosterone production since the high levels of added synthetic hormones, signal your body to stop producing its own natural Testosterone. Your testicles will shrink and atrophy as they stop producing Testosterone when Steroids are introduced. This is called HTPA shutdown. HCGenerate gets your Testes producing Testosterone again by revitalizing your HTPA.
How does the HPTA work, and why do I need to use HCGenerate to keep it working properly?
The HTPA is short for Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis. Let’s start off by explaining what this is without a long winded, hugely scientific introduction. These body parts are a huge part of the hormonal system since they secrete the anabolic hormones we are interested in, like Testosterone. This is obvious on the part of the testicles but maybe not so obvious on the part of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They all function together in order to produce Testosterone.
When your HTPA is healthy, these organs function together in order to produce some signal carrier hormones that are necessary in order to stimulate the Testicles to produce Testosterone. These signal carrier hormones include GnRH (hormone de libération des gonadotrophines) LH (l'hormone lutéinisante) et de FSH (hormone de stimulation de follicule). HCGenerate contains Fadogia Agrestis the only ingredient known to help increase these much needed hormones.
Below is a brief explanation of each of these important male sex hormones and how increasing their production with HCGenerate is going to help solve your tiny-balls situation.
GnRH- This is the one that is produced in the Hypothalamus, and it actually a precursor of both LH and FSH. en fait, in some circles in the science world it is referred to as LHRH or Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone. This hormone is rarely seen priority to puberty in males when it is activated and serves to trigger the release of the other sex hormones in the male body.
Click Here to get HCGenerate and use code “HCG20” to get $20 off your bottle of HCGenerate.
LH- Also known as Lutropin or Luteinizing Hormone, gets produced in the pituitary gland and serves a HUGE purpose, when levels of this hormone are low, testicular atrophy is certain. This hormone serves to stimulate the production of Testosterone by the Leydig Cells in the testes. These are incredibly important cells that make up your inner testes and create Testosterone hormones by carving them out of a big chunk of cholesterol. The Leydig cells take in Cholesterol from your bloodstream as the substrate to make Testosterone.
FSH- Another one produced by the pituitary gland. Follicle Stimulating Hormone functions in synergy with LH. They together function to produce a signal to let the Leydig cells know to wake up and make Testosterone, all these are the great attributes of LH. HCGenerate stimulates FSH and LH production.
I know what you’re thinking, how can a natural, over-the-counter product effect such a powerful system in the body and help me grow my balls back? It’s simple, HCGenerate uses proven science in its formulation to deliver on the promises.
Click Here to get HCGenerate and use code “HCG20” to get $20 off your bottle of HCGenerate.
Each serving of HCGenerate contains:
Fadogia Agrestis.............1000mg
Fenugreek PE Extracted 50%....1000mg
3,4 Divanillytetrahydrofuran.......500mg
Bulgarain Tribulus Terrestris......500mg
LJ:100 – Tong Kat Ali..................100mg
Vitamin E...................................200mg
Let me highlight some of these ingredients and tell you why they were chosen in why we think is the best product of its kind.
Il a ensuite Fadogia – Is a plant that is derived from Nigeria and has been used for thousands of years by African medicine men to treat impotence and improve sex lives. Fadogia Agrestis is the main ingredient that gets the previously mentioned HPTA system up and running. It has also been used for strictly bodybuilding purposes because of its perceived similarities to AAS or anabolic androgenic steroids.
Fenugrec - This is a plant that hails from India. Most people have heard of this plant because of its wide variety of uses in the over the counter supplement industry. Here we use it for its ability to keep cholesterol levels normal by promoting it\'s natural convertion it into testosterone and helping maintain healthy hormone levels.
Divanillytetrahydrofuran - This is an extract of the stinging nettle root and is found all over the world. We used this product because it seemingly seeks out SHBG and makes it release its hold on your free testosterone and bring your levels way, way up. SHBG stands for Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and it is responsible for binding to the free Testosterone in your system and rendering it useless.
Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris- This plant is found in the eastern hemisphere and is one of the oldest, most scientifically proven testosterone supplements out there. This has been used forever for users to experience increased energy and above average testosterone levels.
Vitamine E- This one some of you probably wouldn’t expect to see, but trust that it is here for a reason. Studies have shown Vitamin E to be up there with all of these other ingredients and in its own individual way. It stops lipid peroxidation at the testicular level allowing lipids to be converted into Testerone.
LJ: 100- Also known as Tongkat Ali, this plant has been used in southeast Asia for quite some time. La 100 refers to the standardization of the extract and is the most potent form of this testosterone building plant.
Zinc- Most of us have heard of Zinc. Healthy mineral levels in males help testosterone production take care of itself, especially in those who are deficient in this mineral prior to supplementing.
Now I know after reading this long, convincing testimonial on the effectiveness of this product some of my natty guys are out there saying “What gives?” and “What about us?”. Bien, guess what. This product isn’t just for the guys who decide to use chemicals to help them in the gym. This product is for EVERYONE. What goes for the guys who are juicing goes for the guys who have the balls to go in there themselves and go at it naturally. What applies to them applies to you, except you aren’t working at a deficit. You natty guys are already functioning at your optimum sexual levels. So think to yourself, what the hell can you do with this stuff? It’s natural, you aren’t breaking any rules, but N2BM Nutrition doesn\'t want you to feel natural. This stuff is the most powerful natural testosterone booster out there and I challenge anyone who experiences its benefits, to only use one bottle. The fact is the results speak for themselves and when you try it once you’re going to be coming back for more.
Click Here to get HCGenerate and use code “HCG20” to get $20 off your bottle of HCGenerate.
HORS DE PORTÉE DES ENFANTS. Ce produit n'est pas
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