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How you should combine Scientific Research with Practical Application for Maximum Bodybuilding Results!
Jetzt, for the first time in history, the secrets of the Muscular Beasts are made available to you. Herr. Autor L. Rea has come out of the closet.
Too much time is spent on internet boards posting and reading "scientific studies" based mostly on rats, various animals and/or non athletic, "average" human subjects. I see so much arrogant pontification, philosophizing and argument over the validity of certain studies with regards to creating an optimal anabolic environment in the human body. Unenlightened individuals (most of us) demand specific scientific documentation of facts before we will consider anything new. We never pondered that maybe no scientific studies exist in humans or otherwise that prove what "works" in the real world. Don\'t misunderstand me. Laboratory studies have value. Hingegen, I made the mistake of not stepping out in faith based on studies of non trained, unathletic individuals and animals. Doing so distracted me from the "specific intent" of various chemical applications. I became overly concerned that one substance cancels another with regard to certain effects etc... Until I became frozen. I realized that for every new idea I had or read about, there was a scientific study to contradict it. There was no end in sight. I became overly rigid -- peddling fast and only maintaining, yet never gaining. As I delved deeper into my friend and fellow bodybuilder Mr. Author L Rea\'s work, I asked myself if possibly what really builds the "Beasts" of today is so new and cutting edge there are no studies yet? How about that? Schließlich, are not true "pioneers" ahead of their time anyway? Our time is now and surrendering to the truth is not an easy decision. It requires a certain measure of humility and teachableness. The truth is often offensive to those of us who have spent the last twenty years assembling our "best efforts" while scratching our heads as we flip through the pictures of behemoths in muscle magazines. We became frustrated and even angry at those "genetic freaks." "What lucky bastards!" we say as excuses to ourselves, wives and girlfriends. "Superior genetics... Ja, that\'s it!" |
I see the self proclaimed "gurus" defending the studies they have so carefully posted to prove their arguments. Schließlich, who can argue with science? In my heart, I think their egos would rather be "right" than "happy" and breaking through plateaus. Such plateaus are maintained by closed minds, big egos, misinformation and/or being overly "studious" to the exclusion of practical application based on results. Ignorance is bliss... You don\'t have to change a damn thing! What is comfortable and familiar is not necessarily what works... I\'ve decided to be "happy" rather than "right", miserable and frustrated.
I\'ve turned my undivided attention to Author L. REA. It did not happen overnight. Upon first reading his work I became angry due to my own ignorance and being "set in my ways." I found his work offensive. Much of it made no sense. Hingegen, I could not put it down. I kept his book on the nightstand or on my desk. This resulted in some late nights in bed reading and intimate moments between myself and the literature. I began to read between the lines and open my mind. Moments of clarity occurred for me...
What works in the real world? Are you ready for a change? Do you want to break through your pleateaus and achieve a level of muscularity and lipolysis only dreamed of?
All that\'s necessary is a bit of rigorous honesty, open mindedness and the willingness to consider something new. You can go back to the old. It will always be there for you. It got you where you are today, ja?
Author L Rea is a pioneer of the genius variety in the field of anabolic chemistry, physiology, maximum muscular enhancement and lipolytic strategy. His work is based on 20 years of experience in and out of the laboratory. He has gleaned and produced what was once only known by the "inner circle" of the IFBB Pro Ranks. Did you ever consider maybe they have an "inside scoop" on what works?
Beispielsweise, consider Markus Ruhl. Take a peek at him sitting on his bed in Germany in 1990 and then again in 2000-2004. Even better, take a look at Author L Rea when he was a cage fighter in 1982 struggling through medical school and then again in 1987. He has maintained, solidified and improved his muscularity to the present day as evidenced in his 2003 picture. Author L Rea and Markus Ruhl were clearly genetic ectomorphs. Do you honestly believe if they only worked out, ate right, trained and took gear/insulin/hgh, etc. that they could have achieved the level of muscularity they possess today? Be honest with yourself - THEY WERE ECTOMORPHS! Could there be more to the story?
Author L Rea Year: 1982 - Weight: 127.5 | Author L Rea Year: 1987 - Weight: 258 | Author L Rea Year: 2003 - Weight: 263 |
Rea is responsible for creating many of the beasts you see in the muscle magazines today. His expertise carries much clinical value. Hingegen, it is based on what cannot be argued... "Real world results." So lay down your "documented studies" for a moment and listen to me. Jetzt, for the first time in history, the secrets of the Beasts are made available to you. Rea has come out of the closet.
Building the Perfect Beast by Author L Rea - This book is a discussion of advanced muscle chemistry techniques utilized by some of the top bodybuilders. Though intended for entertainment and discussion purposes only, it does not include filler pages of useless pictures. Frank N. Steroid and Doc are purely fictional beings created as a means of re-telling a tale from many individuals whom have chosen the chemically enhanced path in competitive sports. Any resemblance to a certain pro-bodybuilder or his “Trainer” currently tearing up the competition world is merely coincidence. The following is a discussion of how some current competitive beasts were built. | Chemical Muscle Enhancement by Author L Rea - Not only does CME profile hundreds of bodybuilding pharmaceuticals, viele davon wurden nie vor diskutiert, it does so in a fashion that has application to the greenest neophyte to the hardcore seasoned bodybuilding veteran. After reading CME, one walks away with the knowledge of not only how and why various bodybuilding drugs work in the body, but how to use them in the safest manner possible as well. From beginner to advanced, adult man or woman, this is the must have book for the chemically enhanced athlete who wants to realize every ounce of new muscle mass possible. |
Now you can chose the exact body you want: 1. The body of a competitive bodybuilder or fitness model. 2. A lean and ripped body with "six pack abs," and nice muscle definition. 3. A fit and lean body with nice shape, and enough definition so you can see your abs and look good in a swim suit. 4. Just look better than you do now. "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" (BFFM) is a fat burning success manual jam-packed with all the fat destroying methods previously known by only a small handful of the worlds best fitness models and bodybuilders. This program contains all the inside information you\'ll ever need to help you shed body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements. Whatever your goals, when you finally decide to stop making the same mistakes that have been holding you back and you begin applying the techniques in "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle", you can literally choose any body you want. | Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach Teaches You How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism, Gewinnen Muskeln, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation... Guaranteed. Discover How He\'s Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible! | ||
Make your choice. Which group are you a part of? Select one now:
The Cost of Redemption!" src="//" width=404 align=right>PS: Speaking of Muscular Beasts, this week we\'ve got reviews and special deals on the best of the latest crop of hardcore bodybuilding videos. And you\'ll also find a link to a free downloadable clip of Ronnie Coleman squatting 800 lbs. This clip was taken from his DVD Ronnie Coleman: The Cost of Redemption Ronnie\'s newest video shows Coleman exactly how we all love to see him - training and training hard. Ronnie Coleman: The Cost of Redemption showcases his campaign for the 2003 Olympia, where he came in bigger, härter, and more ripped than we have ever seen him before. Follow this link to see Coleman\'s 800 lbs. Squat Video Clip! |
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Wie funktioniert die FU #K dieser Kerl Tropfen unten 4% Körperfett ohne Drogen? SCHNELL!
Tom Venuto ist ein natürlicher Bodybuilder, die regelmäßig konkurriert an 4% Körperfett und darunter. Tatsache ist, Es gibt wahrscheinlich sehr wenige Menschen, die wirklich, Fettabbau besser verstehen als Tom tut.
Es ist wesentliches Wissen, und bis Sie diese Prinzipien verstehen Sie können nicht wirklich hoffen, bis zu sehr niedrigen Bodyfat Prozentsätze erhalten - welches ist, was wir alle wollen, richtig? Finden Sie heraus, wie es - ganz einfach....