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Important Note 1: HM Gear Testosterone-OH and Nandrolone-OH sterile solutions have been BANNED by President Bush - they will be legally available for less than 90 dias.
Ato de controlar o Presidente Bush sinais o esteróide anabólico 2004
Last Friday, outubro 22, 2004, President Bush signed the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 into law. It has been 14 years since anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) were added to the federal schedule of controlled substances placing them in the same legal classification as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. Regrettably, we are moving backwards rather than making progress in our educational efforts against anabolic steroid ignorance!
The current law further expands the scope of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act to include all prohormone and prosteroid supplements (excluding DHEA, estrogens, progesterona, and corticosteroids).
This has removed a loophole that has allowed many bodybuilders and athletes to use hormonal supplements for non-medical uses. The law specifically reclassifies some extremely potent over-the-counter androgens as controlled substances. Por exemplo, all of the following will be banned in under 90 dias.
- Testosterona-OH™ (4-Decanoato de testosterona hidroxi)
- Oxanavar™(17a-metil-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17AA-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)
- Var™(4-Hidroxi- 17a-methyl-hydroxyestra-4ene-3-One)
- Max-metil Dien™(metil-1-testosterona)
The criminalization of AAS in 1990 has been a dismal failure. It has dramatically increased the size of the underground black market. The passage of the 2004 Act can reasonably be expected to send many otherwise law-abiding citizens to the black market in their desire to use steroids for non-medical purposes.
You can read the very brief press release from the White House here.
Another tragedy here is that it had been a really long time since I got excited about a new anabolic steroid. Contudo, twelve weeks ago, meu amigo, o Sr. Autor L. Rea, de Chemical Muscle Enhancement e Construindo a besta perfeita fama, sent me samples of four new designer steroids that he developed himself in his private laboratory. As the bodybuilders that I train began using them, none of us could believe that they were legal (and in less than 90 dias, thanks to our President, they will not be legal). Why couldn\'t we believe that they are legal? Because these four steroids were enabling my clients to gain, 20 lbs, 30 lbs, 40 lbs, and in one case even 50 lbs de sólido, lean muscle mass in one eleven week cycle.
Então você pode estar se perguntando o que exatamente ele mandou, e o que podem fazer?
Bem, para ser específico, Ele enviou quatro frascos no total. Um de cada dos 4-hidroxi decanoato de testosterona, 17a-metil-4-HydroxyNandrolone, Formestane, e 17aa-4-Androstene-3 17-diol. Mais importante do que os nomes químicos, Estes quatro esteróides, altamente valorizada pelos fisiculturistas, pode promover o crescimento de massa muscular e permitem que você obter como enorme tão humanamente possível em apenas poucas semanas.
Here\'s another interesting underground fact. The the four steroids are all certified sterile, HPLC testado e projetado farmaceuticamente. Enquanto isso garante o máximo em qualidade e pureza, também significa que além de ser por via oral disponíveis, Eles também podem ser injetados para sempre maior absorção -- de fato, cada um vil é tampado com uma rolha de borracha conveniente.
The only good news that I can share with you at this point is that we will continue in our fight to provide you with accurate anabolic steroid information and we will continue our efforts fighting the ignorance that continues to be displayed by the public, legisladores, the media and health professionals. E, there is a tiny bit more good news. We can continue to enjoy our freedom to use these designer steroids legally and openly for approximately 77 more days or until Engrenagem de HM e ALR Industries run out of stock which will probably happen by the end of the month.
Here\'s the quick links to the steroid profiles where you can read more about them and check pricing and availability.
- Testosterona-OH™ (4-Decanoato de testosterona hidroxi)
- Oxanavar™(17a-metil-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17AA-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)
- Var™(4-Hidroxi- 17a-methyl-hydroxyestra-4ene-3-One)
- Max-metil Dien™(metil-1-testosterona)
O primeiro e somente a guia para o usuário avançado de esteróides! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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PS: Lembrar-se, como eu mencionei acima, o estatuto jurídico destes fármacos é na tal pergunta uma vez que a oferta atual acaba, sometime this month, there won\'t be any more. Here\'s a link where you can verificar preços e disponibilidade. And here are links to the drugs themselves. More complete descriptions follow.
- Testosterona-OH™ (4-Decanoato de testosterona hidroxi)
- Oxanavar™(17a-metil-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17AA-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)
- Var™(4-Hidroxi- 17a-methyl-hydroxyestra-4ene-3-One)
- Max-metil Dien™(metil-1-testosterona)
Por favor, tenha em mente que as propriedades anabólicas discutidas abaixo foram acumulado tanto por meio de testes científicos no laboratório e com REAL cobaias humanas, fisiculturistas e atletas gerais.
Var™ |
Max-metil Dien™ |
Testosterona-OH™ |
Oxanavar™ |
Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane) |
Testriol²™ |
PPS: I\'ve even gotten ALR Industries para oferecer aos nossos leitores uma 20% poupança em uma semana 6 do ciclo de Var e Max-metil Dien para o próximo 72 somente hora. Here\'s a link privado para a oferta especial.