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George Spellwin - Founder
Popular misconceptions about PCT
Too many guys out there make the post cycle therapy (PCT) way too complicated than it has to be. As a result, when reading on the forums, you will get many differing opinions on how to run a PCT, and the reason for this is two folded. First of all, a proper PCT should be adjusted according to different factors. For example, shorter cycles can have shorter PCT's and vice versa. Secondly, many forum and youtube 'gurus' are just talking heads who don't even cycle steroids. In fact, the other day I heard one saying proudly "I don't run a PCT."
However, those who actually use steroids and make such claims, won't tell you that they just blast/cruise, or simply stay on large amounts of gear year round. Basically, most of them are on TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) for life. So how would they know what works best, when they failed so miserably by it doing it their way? Any idiot can just stay on steroids year round, and boldly claim they don't PCT – it doesn't take a rocket scientist to accomplish that. Yet, this doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do.
Why we need PCT
As explained above, PCT stands for post cycle therapy, and it is ran by those seeking the best opportunity to retain their gains after a steroid cycle. Additionally, it will also help achieve with the following objectives:
- Balance hormones
- Help cleanse out the organs
- Prevent fat gains
- Allow a soft hormonal landing to prevent a crash
Meanwhile, those that do not run a PCT and come off steroids will experience a certain loss in gains, loss of libido, unbalanced hormones, estrogenic rebound side effects, and a loss of motivation to even workout.
The reason for such problems after cycling is that anabolic steroids are suppressive to the HPTA. Consequently, they will send your LH and FSH cratering to 0, which means your pituitary glands will go dormant. Obviously, the longer you use steroids, the longer your pituitaries will stay dormant. This is why young men/boys who are still developing their HPTA and use steroids will experience side effects that may become permanent.
History of PCT use
Before we get into the compounds used on PCT, why we use them, and how they work, lets take a look at the history of PCT. Interestingly, SERM's, SARM's, AI's, and other ancillary drugs did not exist in the bodybuilding community during the 70's and most of the 80's. As a result, guys that 'cycled' steroids during that time would gain nicely while on and lose just as nicely when off. It was a constant roller coaster, and if you had a competition, you would have to time things the right way mostly through trial and error.
For instance, some used Proviron during PCT to help prevent a massive libido crash – they did not even know how it worked, but this was the only solution back then. Furthermore, using SERM's did not come around till the late 80's, and nolvadex was mostly used on cycle to help block estrogen. It wasn't until the 90's that SERM's started being used for PCT, and then AI's (aromatase inhibitors) came around after that. Finally, just in the past 10 years or so SARMS have started being used.
Luckily, today we have access to many ancillaries and supplements such as fadogia, mucuna, epimedium, and basella; so, there is no excuse to not running a PCT. Many of the older steroid guru's still use outdated strategies for PCT, simply because they aren't even aware of the newer compounds available, and some of the younger crowd just stay on gear year round due to the easy availability and affordability of steroids. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that will cost them dearly as they get older.
Why is the Perfect PCT better
Unlike the above mentioned situations, we have the Perfect PCT put together by an expert with years of studying differing blood work on thousands of individuals, including himself. What's more, this expert actually cycles steroids on and off. And we are talking about real cycling here, not just taking a couple of weeks off in between steroid cycles, which can not be considered cycling.
Compounds needed for the Perfect PCT
There are several SERM's available on the modern market, but the main ones are nolvadex and clomid. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as 'starting or re-starting your HPTA' - this is hyperbole that gets spread on forums. Hence, these drugs do not do that, and the correct way to describe it would be HPTA manipulation. What they really do, is block the estrogen from reaching the pituitary glands, which causes LH to spike, and makes your leydig cells produce testosterone without rising estrogen.
You must remember that SERM's only work while they are in your system. Therefore, once you stop taking them and they trickle out of your system, you will crash again. Consequently, relying on a SERMS only PCT is a mistake, and this approach will not work. Besides, using SERM's alone will cause a drop in IGF-1, which is not something you want to happen during this crucial time. In fact, this is one of the reasons many complain about negative side effects with SERM only PCT's. In spite of all these facts, many of the 'gurus' will tell you to just run a SERM only PCT, and they are quite simply wrong.
The word SARMS stands for selective androgen receptor modulators, which have been designed to prevent muscle wasting, as well as offer other health benefits, and Ostarine (Ostabolic) is the ideal SARM for PCT use. Although SARMS are selective modulators, they can still be suppressive, so it is important to use ostabolic at the proper dosages to make it minimally suppressive. When used adequately, ostarine will prevent catabolism and will benefit the user in many other ways.
Few people know this, but Cardarine is not a SARM - it is a PPAR. Thus, there is zero hormonal issues with this compound. When taken, cardarine will help prevent body fat accumulation and will keep your endurance up, so you stay motivated in the gym and perform at the highest level.
It is very normal for your blood work to become poor on cycle, and many notice that their blood work goes back to normal faster, when using this product. Including N2guard into your PCT stack will help with balancing out your cholesterol levels, cleansing your organs, boosting the immune system, clean the liver and boost cell repair.
HCGenerate or ES
Using either classic HCGenerate, or the extra strength version, will prevent libido crash, improve mood, boost IGF-1, and boost testosterone levels naturally without suppression. Therefore, it is a must run in PCT in order to offset any negative SERM effects you may experience.
This aromatase inhibitor will gently prevent any estrogen rebound, while also boosting IGF-1. As a matter of fact, studies show that aromasin can increase IGF-1 levels by up to 25%. This is good news, especially following a wet/aromatizing cycle.
Steroid esters and half life
Don't forget that the half life of a steroid should be multiplied by 5 in order to get an accurate assessment of when it will clear out of your system. For example, if you are taking something with a 10 day half life, this doesn't mean that it will be out of your system 10 days after your last injection. In reality, it will be out after about 50 days! Hence, don't make the mistake of running a short 4 week PCT after your last injection, and thinking you are recovered - you haven't even come off of steroids yet!
This mistake is made countless times, and I see it all over forums, the person will think they are recovered and then hop back on another cycle. If you continue to do this ridiculous way of 'suicide cycling,' your HPTA will be fried, and you will have to go on HRT for the rest of your life.
Perfect PCT layout
This is a rough layout of the perfect PCT. Of course, you can adjust it based on the steroid esters you ran, length of cycle, and budget. It is important though, to be as close to this as possible if you are to ensure a full recovery.
Week 1-3
- Clomid 50mgs/ED
- Nolvadex 60mgs/ED
- HCGenerate ES 5 caps/ED
- Cardarine 20mgs/ED
- Aromasin 12.5mgs EOD
- Ostabolic (osta) 12.5mgs/ED
- N2Guard 7 caps/ED
Week 4-6
- Clomid 25mgs/ED
- Nolvadex 40mgs/ED
- HCGenerate ES 4 caps/ED
- Cardarine 20mgs/ED
- Aromasin 12.5mgs E3D
- Ostabolic (osta) 12.5mgs/EOD
- N2Guard 5 caps/ED
- PCT, Clomid, and Depression
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- Still feel bad and anxious after PCT
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- Adding letro to my pct. (currently nolva/clomid) HELP!
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