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Beyond Steroider is about how you can discover and learn to use all the world\'s newest, sjældneste og mest effektive bodybuilding narkotika. And Beyond Steroids will show you new ways to combine the new stuff with the "classic anabolic steroids" in ways most Pro Bodybuilders don\'t even understand. You\'ll make tremendous muscular gains so magnificent that you will be the envy of elite bodybuilders worldwide and have scores of women staring in disbelief at your hard, lean, rippet muskeludvikling. You\'ll gain at least 30lbs of lean muscle mass and drop your bodyfat percentage into the low single digits or I\'ll give you triple your money back - GARANTERET! Plus today only, you\'ll get Beyond Steroids along with 8 Free Underground Anabolic Steroid "Bribes" værdiansættes til $350! [click here to read more...] |
There’s a possible breakthrough in the never ending quest to rid the world of obesity in the form of a new drug called ObCure. What’s amazing about this potential wonder drug is that it has already being used by people, which brings to mind the question: why is it getting so much publicity now?
If there is one certainty in the world today, it’s that people will do anything to lose weight. Især, if that anything involves a shortcut to bypass all the hours of working out, sweating, and strict dieting that many try to avoid like a woman with a cold sore. I mean for god sake’s, there are people out there who would rather have incisions cut into their body and tubes placed in them to suck fat out rather than exercising to lose unwanted weight. But thankfully, processes like these may become material for the history books due to a new weight loss drug that is on the horizon.
While the drug doesn’t have an official name yet, it has been dubbed by many as ObCure, which closely resembles the name of the company that it spawned from, OBEcure. This drug has been touted as being a potential breakthrough in the war against fighting fat and has already caused quite a stir in the media despite the fact that it hasn’t made a single sale yet. So what’s so special about ObCcure that warrants its sudden international fame?
Well a big reason that people are so optimistic about the drug is that it has already produced results for one group of people, and fast results too! Faktisk, the twenty women who participated in a double blind trial experienced what was said to be “significant weight loss” while using ObCcure. And how long did it take for this feat to occur? One year, six months, three months? Try just one month.
Not bad for a drug that was simply stumbled upon by an Israeli scientist. The scientist, Nir Barak, began his long and winding path to the discovery of ObCcure by examining the effect that the blockage of one of the histamine brain receptors (H1) had on weight gain. Dybest set, he noted that antihistamines (which fight allergies by blocking histamine secretions) blocked H1 and, på tur, caused people to experience a gain in body weight.
All of this led Barak to come up with the theory that stimulation of the H1 receptor could possibly produce a weight loss effect. Easier said than done though as he had to find a drug that could perform this action first. When he finally found this drug, it came in the form of a treatment for vertigo that had been in use for over 40 år. While it seems odd that a drug dealing with the cure for symptoms of dizziness and loss of balance would have anything to do with weight loss, Barak was satisfied with his discovery and so is OBEcure’s parent company, Bio-Light.
Bio-Light is so excited about ObCure that they’ve already developed a clear vision of what they intend to do with their possible miracle product. Bio-Light’s plans are to market the drug exclusively to the United States and, in doing so, will have all rights to the drug in the United States. This is because the anti-vertigo version was discontinued by the FDA after it was proven that it was no longer effective in treating vertigo symptoms.
There could be no better country for the Tel-Aviv, Israel based company to hawk its product as studies indicate that the U.S. is the fattest country in the world with a hefty two-thirds of its residents tipping the scales farther than they’re supposed to. Bio-Light believes that their new drug has the potential to stop a growing problem in the United States and help the country stay slim.
The company also feels as if they’ve already hit a goldmine based on the reality that they’re dealing with a drug that has already been cleared of the dangerous side effects and other problems commonly associated with start-up drugs. 40 years of use and millions of consumers authenticate this little truth and have left many believing the drug will have no trouble making it out of the normally strict FDA trials.
Safety and harmful side effects are two of the most important issues that the FDA looks at when deciding whether or not prospective drugs will ever hit store shelves. More times than not, new drugs have major difficulties making it past the FDA’s scrutiny. But Ronit Gross, one of the founders of Bio-Light, doesn’t believe that her company’s drug will have any problems as she said, "Our solution, unlike the prescription drugs currently on the market, has both a proven safety record and no side effects,"
The major issue regarding ObCure is where or not it can really be deemed effective. The FDA requires that any anti-obesity drug must provide a five percent weight reduction in a year’s time when coupled with a balanced diet and exercise. It seems from Dr. Nir Barak’s initial experiments with patients that the drug certainly has a good shot at proving its worthiness as a fat fighting agent but then again, that’s just twenty people. The FDA will put the drug to test with hundreds of people and doesn’t always share the same optimism as the product’s company.
So despite the positive thinking on the part of its owners, ObCure may not have the walk in the park that Bio-Light is anticipating. And the company will certainly have to hope and pray that it doesn’t meet the same fate as many of the other weight loss drugs on the market that have given the industry a tarnished reputation. Lots of the current ones have been reported to have damaging side effects that far outweighed their weight loss benefits or failed in terms of sales.
Men, the people at Bio-Light still appear unshaken and they even go as far as to suggest that their product is the drug that the world has been waiting for. Bio-Light CEO Dr. Ami Eyal echoed this sentiment by saying, "Listen, the world urgently needs a drug that is safe and effective against obesity. Our compound has a very safe profile and we have enough data to show efficacy and there is more on the way. We firmly believe we will bring a solution to the overweight population."
If Bio-Light is correct on their assumptions of how effective and safe their drug is, it would definitely be hailed by overweight people everywhere. And going even further, it would especially be welcomed by the bodybuilding community as a safe alternative to some of the riskier and more expensive methods of burning fat out there. But unfortunately for now, we will all have to wait for the FDA’s stamp of approval on ObCure’s safety and effectiveness. Men, I think we all share in the hope that ObCure will be the answer to help end obesity.
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Insulin-lignende vækstfaktor 1 (IGF-1)- Lavet af leveren fra GH, IGF-1 fremmer kvælstof fastholdelse og protein syntese, væksten af nye muskel celle (kaldet muskel celle hyperplasi), og mitogenese (væksten i faktiske nye muskelfibre).Og det er nu tilgængelig i sig selv fra underground labs uden recept - you\'ll learn how to use it and where to find it. Nye roller for IGF-1- beskytte mod hjertesygdomme. Hvordan du bør tilføje IGF-1 til din cyklus faktisk gøre det sikrere på grund af nyopdagede cardioprotective fordele. Mechano vækstfaktor (MGF) - This is a new analogue of IGF-1 that has become increasingly more available over the past few months.In one study, MGF forårsaget en 20% stigning i vægten af den injicerede muskel inden for blot to uger! Lr3IGF-1 - Dette er den mest populære type af IGF-1 er i øjeblikket tilgængelige fra underground labs i dag. Det er 3 gange mere potent end almindelige IGF-1. You\'ll learn all about it in this section. MK-677 - This is the Merck Company\'s growth hormone secretagogue poised to explode on the bodybuilding scene. Denne oral sammensatte blev vist i en nylig menneskelige undersøgelse til at forårsage en 50% stigning i naturlige GH sekretion i to ugers brug og en næsten 100% forøgelse af GH sekretion i 4 ugers brug. SM-130.686 - en oralt aktiv GH secretagogue (GHS) - Denne sammensatte vil snart blive en bodybuilding korte, da det virker ved at stimulere GH frigivelse fra hypofysen og hypothalamus. Somatokine - Dette hormon derivat formidler alle fordelene ved regelmæssig IGF-1, men det forbliver aktive i kroppen længere. You\'ll learn all about it in this section. Tabimoril den (NN703) - Da denne særlige secretagogue blev givet til GH-mangelfuld voksne, Det restaurerede GH produktion senest en uge efter terapi. Og når dette stof blev administreret til raske mandlige frivillige, det øget IGF-1 niveau samt!Denne e-bog fortæller dig alt om det første! Injektionsteknik- alt om hvordan og hvor du kan sikkert og effektivt injicere GH og IGF-1. Anti-østrogen profiler - Ingen anden klasse af lægemidler, som er af interesse for bodybuildere har gennemgået så store fremskridt som har anti-østrogener. Brug af steroider uden lider af bivirkninger er i fokus i dette afsnit. Insulin - den billigste og mest magtfulde anabolske agent i bodybuilding og sportspræstationer verden i dag. Ved hjælp af GH, IGF-1, og Insulin til at opbygge muskler - Dette afsnit tager gætteriet ud af at kombinere disse tre stærkt synergistiske forbindelser i en potent cyklus. GH, IGF-1, og Insulin i post-cyklus terapi- GH, IGF-1, og Insulin kan være af enorm værdi efter en cyklus, fordi de er meget anabolske, men er ikke hormonelle i måde steroider er. Using them after a steroid cycle allows you to maintain the cycle\'s muscle building momentum while at the same time enabling your natural hormonal production to return to normal. Drug profiler - Dette afsnit af Beyond Steroider er den mest up-to-date kig på nye måder at bruge alle de klassiske anabolske steroider for en synergistisk gavn og for at gøre muskel gevinster du aldrig troede muligt fra disse afprøvede og sande bodybuilding favoritter. Including... The world\'s harshest steroid - New light shed on safely using the world\'s harshest and best mass building steroid. At opdage den sikreste anabolske steroider, der bygger kvalitet muskel, ikke konvertere til østrogen, ikke forårsage væskeophobning eller gyno, og kan endda fungere som en anti-østrogen. Prikken over i'et er nogle fedtforbrænding er blevet bemærket, med dets anvendelse. | Drug profiler - continued... Forstå den hurtigste handler af alle testosteron præparater og den første nogensinde udviklet. It becomes activevery quicklyafter injection, og aggression ofte sætter straks sammen med større styrke stigninger. Lær alt om oprindelige 4 testosteron blanding, som stadig er guld standard for prestacked anabolske steroid injectables. And learn about the underground lab that\'s selling it in the most unusual and discreet packaging to come along in years! Få lowdown på to mest almindelige og meget effektive former for testosteron solgt på det sorte marked i dag. Afdække den foretrukne testosteron til skæring cykler og den mest populære testosteron for testet atleter og bodybuildere, pre-Contest. Brugte pre-Contest for dens hurtig hærdning evner og ubestridelige fedt metaboliske egenskaber, you\'ll discover three variations of this amazing anabolic steroid. Utrolig ren, kvalitet masse gevinster er erfarne og styrke-til-vægt forhold ofte gå gennem taget i en kort periode. Bedst af alt, Det er endelig bredt tilgængelige på det sorte marked. Genopdage en gammel favorit, det har nu vist sig at forstærke virkningerne af IGF-1 og yderligere Elevér IGF-1 niveau når tilføjes til en cyklus. Denne steroid gør en hyggelig tillæg til både klippe og bulking cykler og er bredt tilgængelige på det sorte marked. Learn about the world\'s best cutting steroid and the supplement to stack it with for the best gains possible! Uncover an underground lab\'s answer to the various multi testosterone blends available today and why this new designer steroid blend blows the old stuff away! Find fakta om endnu en anden hurtigt virkende pre stablet fire testosteron blanding, der giver den samme hurtige vægttab gevinst og styrke opbygning som den gamle favorit, men til en meget lavere pris! Tag et nyt look på det mest udbredte stof til det østtyske olympiske Doping Program, known as "State Plan 14.25."It is one of the few drugs to be in high demand among both athletes and bodybuilders, due to the superior quality of the "dry" og muskelmassen det så let bygger. Read about Anthony\'s second favorite steroid. Det begynder at arbejde inden for timer efter at tage det, doesn\'t cost a lot, fremmer utrolige gevinster i muscularity og styrke, og rydder det hurtige system - hvilket gør det perfekt til de testede atleter. Lære, hvordan og hvorfor de mest populære steroid i 1980 ' erne og 1990s faldt i unåde. What are this drug\'s amazing muscle building strengths as well as the weaknesses that caused its fall from grace. Udforsk et forbløffende mundtligt - Denne steroid fremmer gevinster af 6 til 8 pounds af granit solidt muskel PER uge! Og oplev den underjordiske lab, der gør en kæmpestor 50mg fane af denne anabolske godhed - 10 gange stærkere og tonsvis billigere end 5mg fanerne fra de andre medicinalvirksomhedernes. Find en veterinær steroid betragtes som en af de sikreste og mest effektive anabolske steroider bruges af atleter i dag. Promoting high-quality lean mass with a very low side effect profile and a price that can\'t be beat. Forstå en af de mest giftige steroider rundt og hvordan den producerer enorme styrke gevinster med minimal vægt gevinster, gør det stof valg for powerlifters, stærk mand konkurrenter, og brydere forsøger at gøre en vægtklasse. Genopdage nye anvendelsesmuligheder for den allerførste syntetiserede anabolske steroider - brugt lige før en træning, it causes an immediateincrease in strength andaggressiveness. Prøven Steroid cykler: Fra nybegynder til avanceret - Med de oplysninger, der præsenteres i afsnittene steroid Profiler, you\'ll already be able to design your own cycles to achieve your muscle building goals.However, Anthony har besluttet at medtage alle sine foretrukne og mest effektive eksempler på hvordan han kan skabe en cyklus baseret på de lægemidler, der er nævnt i denne e-bog. |
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