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In a rare and bizarre story, tons of police officers are being investigated amidst a huge steroid probe that leads straight to the NYPD. And there is an unbelievable and disgusting twist to the story too that screams double standard!
It doesn’t seem that long ago when Rodney King was shown on TV being beaten by four Los Angeles police officers. Of course the event actually took place 16 years ago but I still remember seeing King on the ground as the officers continually beat him with their police batons in a horrific display.
Now Rodney King was certainly no angel as his prior record and high-speed chase that he led the officers on suggested. Contudo, he definitely didn’t deserve to be the victim of the excessive police brutality displayed on tape that night. And the four policemen involved in the beating probably deserved a little more than the acquittals that they all received in court. It only took the L.A. riots and a federal trial before two of the officers were brought to justice in the form of a prison sentence.
This whole incident serves as a reminder to me that police officers are people just like the rest of us and some of them do things that are immoral and even illegal. The worst part is that the law takes it a lot easier on officers too meaning they can get away with a lot more. Even when it comes to being busted for using steroids. And this has never been more apparent than in a recent story involving a host of New York City policemen.
It all began when authorities raided a Brooklyn pharmacy called Lowen’s Compounding Pharmacy. Lowen’s had become a target stemming from the huge Signature Pharmacy bust down in Orlando where evidence linked Lowen’s to Signature. Inside Lowen’s, authorities found over $8 million worth of steroids and Human Growth Hormone.
Investigators said that the pharmacy was probably importing Chinese steroids and raw materials. The steroids and HGH were then sold to people in the city, as well as other places. Contudo, authorities think that Lowen’s might have sold $30 million worth of steroids in just one year.
And while this is all eye-popping, the more interesting thing about the raid is that it turned up the names of six NYPD members. These names were obtained after state narcotics agents scoured medical records from the pharmacy and found that these six cops had some very questionable purchases on the lists. So if there are six officers with evidence linking them to possible steroid usage, could there be more?
That’s exactly the same question New York authorities asked themselves as they decided to launch a probe into the whole Brooklyn and Staten Island precincts. And what they turned up was pretty shocking! Thirty officers from both precincts were suspected of purchasing and using anabolic steroids.
After turning up possible evidence on the officers, todos os 30 were taken to a NYPD medical facility so that they could be tested. The cops being tested were also to be placed on modified duty. Contudo, if you were expecting any of these police officers to be arrested, then you’d be highly mistaken.
Deputy police commissioner Paul Browne made this clear when he said, “We don’t expect to arrest anybody. We're looking at this as a possible case in which steroids were taken for personal use. These officers will be subject to disciplinary action, not arrest.” Initially, news reports said that the 30 officers who were tested were going to be arrested. But Browne called these reports “wildly distorted and exaggerated.”
Now far be it from me to question the decision not to arrest any of the officers who would test positive for steroid usage. Afinal, it is under my opinion that people should be free to use anabolic steroids for personal usage and cosmetic purposes under a doctor's supervision. de fato, I still can’t believe that they’re not legal for those uses yet.
Contudo, it does seem a little unfair that the commissioner would already declare that no one on the force caught using roids will go to jail. I mean what if 30 people from some other place of employment such as a factory or office were being investigated by the police for personal steroid usage. I’m sure that they wouldn’t automatically be cleared of jail possibilities.
The truth is though that the NYPD is going to protect their own and none of these officers will receive the punishment that an average citizen would under the same circumstances. As unfair as that seems it’s just the way it is going to be.
But to be honest, I really don’t care if cops are using steroids for personal purposes. And I am glad they did not get jail time and fines as other would. Like Ronnie Coleman, maybe more bodybuilders become police officers.
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