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As some of you unfortunately found out a week ago, on April 23rd, a hacker gained access to Hush Communications\' customer account at Network Solutions, a Verisign company. Network Solutions is the domain registrar for Hush Communications ( as well as Yahoo, Amazon, and the majority of all web sites. A domain registrar is a company that is responsible for controlling which website actually gets displayed when you enter an address (such as in your web browser. Derfor, by breaching security at our domain registrar, the unauthorized party was able to control which website would be displayed when users entered the address The unauthorized party altered the domain settings so that users entering in their web browser were no longer directed to their real website. I stedet, users were redirected to a different website at a different location. Soon that website was shut down, and users simply received an error page. Since Hush manages the mail servers for, Cyber-Rights, m.fl., the email was temporarily affected. There was no unauthorized access to any of the Hush or Elite servers. Data managed by Hush or Elite was not compromised. I denne periode, email sent to or may not have been delivered. Hush has been in communication with Network Solutions since Saturday evening when the DNS change occurred. An unauthorized party, using a name not associated with Hush Communications, called the Network Solutions support center, and gained access to their customer account and altered their settings. Hush Communications continues to await the completion of the investigation undertaken at our request by Network Solutions. "They used a name not associated with Hush Communications and was able to get information from Network Solutions," Brian Smith from Hush said. Using the information collected from Network Solutions\' customer service, Smith said the DNS information was changed to redirect users visiting the "" URL to a defaced Web site. | The Importance of Secure Encrypted Web Based Email Der er mange skridt du kan tage for at sikre dine personlige oplysninger, men først og fremmest er at sikre og kryptere emailen du sende og modtage. Og andet bevæger sig dine e-mail-meddelelser og følsomme filer offshore hvor de vil være uigennemtrængelig for os indstævne. The easiest way to do this is with free Stealth Messaging that uses 2,048-bit encryption for total privacy, sikkerhed og fred i sindet. Stealth beskeder fungerer som en eller mailkonto. Du får en cool emailadresse som [email protected] og du sende og modtage e-mail via en web-side - I dette tilfælde, Af kontrast med yahoo for eksempel, Stealth beskeder holder dine online kommunikation, private og sikre. 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For a brief period, Hushmail\'s domain was either unavailable or appeared defaced with an image of Hushmail\'s logo with the following text: "The Secret Service is watching. - Agent Leth and Clown Jeet 3k Inc." has archived a screenshot of the defacement.
Smith said Network Solutions promised to investigate and issue a statement on the breach, but at press time Friday, Hushmail had yet to receive official communication from the Herndon, Va.-based registrar.
Network Solutions spokeswoman Susan Wade confirmed that the breach occurred as a result of certain weaknesses in the registrar\'s customer-service security measures but declined to provide specifics, citing customer privacy issues.
"We\'re seriously investigating the incident. We are aware that a hacker temporarily altered this customer\'s [DNS records]. Our security team promptly rectified the situation," Wade told Ziff Davis Internet News.
She described the breach as an "isolated incident" and said Network Solutions would immediately institute "additional security measures to ensure it doesn\'t occur in the future."
"We\'ve brought everyone in and gone over the procedures, and we\'ve implemented some additional ones. I can\'t go into details for obvious reasons, but we are taking this very, very seriously," Wade added.
In addition to supporting the Police investigation in Vancouver, Wade said a separate criminal investigation is being launched in the United States. At Hushmail\'s end, Smith said the episode has been frustrating. "We\'re still waiting for a statement from Network Solutions. We were told by an employee that the attacker was given the DNS information over the telephone, but they\'ve not sent anything official to us. I don\'t want to comment on what may or may not have happened at their end," Smith said. For nu, Hushmail is working to erase the negative perception of an e-mail security provider with a major server breach. "I første omgang, it was embarrassing but we\'re pleased that the users and the media have been very sympathetic to what happened here. To nontechnical users, it will take some explaining, but it\'s quite clear that this could have happened to anyone." |
"The Internet as a whole is a notoriously nonsecure infrastructure. We\'re operating within that. This is a big worry for the entire Internet. That\'s why phishing, pharming and social engineering attacks have become a big issue," Smith said.
Hushmail has been up front about the hacking attack, publishing a daily log with updates for users.
"To the best of our knowledge, the DNS issues caused by the caching of the altered addresses should now have ceased. The correct addresses should now have propagated across the Internet, and all users should be able to access Hushmail," the latest entry says.
The company said there was no unauthorized access to any of the Hush servers. "Data managed by Hush was not compromised. I denne periode, e-mail sent to will not have been delivered," Hushmail said.
Rick Fleming, chief technology officer at Texas-based security outfit Digital Defense Inc., said the Hushmail nightmare points to a "major weakness" in the way domain name registrars authenticate requests for DNS changes.
"We\'ll continue to see these types of social engineering attacks because it\'s becoming easier to impersonate someone and collect information. There is definitely a weakness in the way the domain name registrars handle authentication. If they don\'t have a way to adequately identify who the domain owners are, these attacks will continue to happen," Fleming said.
"What\'s to stop this from affecting a Yahoo or a Google? Intet. The underlying flaw is the domain name systems work. It\'s an implied trusted relationship without any authentication or verification and that needs to be fixed," Fleming said.
Excerpts of this article are from eWeek. Here\'s a link to the eWeek Article and here\'s a link to what the defacement looked like.
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